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The same happened to the rest of the EU countries, we all liked our own old ones so Belgium is not going to be an exception... I liked the older Spanish ones because you could know where the car was coming from, you can't anymore since 2000.

To just be like the rest of the European Union, in the same way that most of the countries changed into the Euro, things have to be done, funny how you two consider Belgium as an exception when the rest of the countries had to do it sooner or later, Belgium was just being lazy in changing the plates issue :boidleau:

Aren't Belgium and Denmark the last countries of all with the new Euro-plates? In which country except Great Britain you can still choose between Euro-plates and the old-style plates?
In Germany you had the choice between 1995 and the 1.November 2000. Since then you only get the new stlye plates.

It makes angry, that we don't have the chance, like Luxemburg, Denmark and the Netherlands are offering, to take they very old style for classic cars, older than 30 years or so (in NL pre-1977, I think). In this three countries, you can get the plate-style, which was original for such old cars, so white letters and black plates in DK and L and white letters on dark blue plates in NL.
Here it's much worse (in Spain, too). When you tae a historic registration for a classic car, you must take a new euro-style-plate. This has caused, that around 90% of real old (1956+) German plates were disappeared. :bombe:
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