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Well, the only problem is what I said in other post: IMCDB doesn't recognizes 'Commander 57' as a user. I don't know if it is possible to make a change trying a new register but, anyway, the only important thing you must remember when you post a 'Contribution' is write also your nickname in IMCDB.
Crown 85 in the site or so.
From other part when the movie or TV series is already listed in IMCDB we don't need the IMDB link but it would be useful if you write the IMCDB link in the site.
About the espisode it's unnecessary to write the name of it, with the season and episode number is enough. Like you wrote 5.34.
And about the Stars of each vehicle simply you can write 3*** with no explanation
Well , I said these two last things only if want to do it that way. Simply it's quicker.
LAST ADITION: HA, HA, HA,....while i was writing this, I've opened The Twilight Zone page and there, in Pictures provided by: Commander 57 is now in red. Problably 'antp' saw this discussion.
Well, problem solved. Try to write a comment and tell me here if your comment it shows as Crown 85 or Commander 57
Crown 85 in the site or so.
From other part when the movie or TV series is already listed in IMCDB we don't need the IMDB link but it would be useful if you write the IMCDB link in the site.
About the espisode it's unnecessary to write the name of it, with the season and episode number is enough. Like you wrote 5.34.
And about the Stars of each vehicle simply you can write 3*** with no explanation
Well , I said these two last things only if want to do it that way. Simply it's quicker.
LAST ADITION: HA, HA, HA,....while i was writing this, I've opened The Twilight Zone page and there, in Pictures provided by: Commander 57 is now in red. Problably 'antp' saw this discussion.
Well, problem solved. Try to write a comment and tell me here if your comment it shows as Crown 85 or Commander 57