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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 17/06/2008 @ 19:00:45, By CarChasesFanatic
And i think that the same goes for Spain, im not quite sure now but in Spain, a car must be 25 years old to be considered as a classic by an insurrance company, i dont think they discriminate any cars, also, who states whcih car is a classic and which one isnt? just becasue of the fact that it is a Golf its not, and perhaps if it is another car of the same year it is?

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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 17/06/2008 @ 19:46:32, By ingo
Sure, the rules are the same in whole Germany, as in Belgium and Spain - but some items of the whole registration-procedere are in the hands of the local authorities. Sometimes it's real harrassment and arbitrariness. It depends, where you are and what you want. :ohwell:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 17/06/2008 @ 21:27:24, By antp
On the contrary, I see from time to time old cars (from 50s or older) with normal plates. I always find that quite funny, as it means that these cars have to pass all the technical checks for brakes, suspensions, etc. I wonder if the acceptable ranges are the same as recent cars, or if it depends on the age.

Latest Edition: 17/06/2008 @ 21:28:47
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 17/06/2008 @ 21:48:14, By ingo
With the German "H-plate" you have advantage by the tax and the insurance, but you need a plate in new "Euro-style" in every case - and this fucks me up!
I love the old license-plates, especially from towns and counties, which aren't in use any more. And for a license-plate-freak it's a horrible desaster to see, how classic, irretrievable plates will be gone due this fucking "H-plate"


Latest Edition: 17/06/2008 @ 21:52:55
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 17/06/2008 @ 21:53:00, By antp
In Belgium we are luckily still with non-Euro plates :grin:
By paying 800 € you can even get a pre-70s plate of your choice (with 5 characters instead of 6). But even in this case the plate looks a little different from the real old one (but it is not as noticeable as in other countries where color or font changed, or where euroband was added).
Btw, even if this is quite off-topic, this month they launch new plate system: 3 numbers - 3 letters. As they are currently using Y-series (YPF-nnn seen yesterday) and that Z-series is reserved for car dealers.

Latest Edition: 17/06/2008 @ 21:55:42
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 17/06/2008 @ 21:55:13, By ingo
It's only a stupid German idea to make special new plates for classic cars. In other countries, Holland, Luxemburg and I think, in Denmark, too, you can get old-style-plates for them.

Fucking bullshit.
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 18/06/2008 @ 02:54:25, By IRT_BMT_IND
In Ontario, if a car is more than 30 years old, one can use old license plates, provided the license plate was made in the same year the car was made.
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 19/06/2008 @ 18:52:37, By ingo
Today I've seen a Nissan Skyline, German plates, but an used import from Japan (RHD and Japanese plate-holders).

The Skyline was never officially available over here.

Latest Edition: 19/06/2008 @ 18:53:11
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 19/06/2008 @ 20:12:25, By taxiguy
The other day my dad an I took a trip into town to try and get pictures of the brand new cars waiting to be shipped at the Cadillac factory. Unfortunately, we couldn't close enough to see it well, but I did take this picture:

The cars are Cadillac CTS and STS :smile:

Also, the same day we were out, we saw this nice 1966 Oldsmobile Ninety-Eight sedan in a parking lot :love:

The owner saw me photgraphing the car and was nice enough to let us look inside :smile:
Appearantly the car has only 18,000 miles, and it is 42 years old!
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 19/06/2008 @ 20:30:13, By CarChasesFanatic
Nice picture of all those nice Caddies waiting there, and the Olds is very nice too :smile:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 19/06/2008 @ 20:35:15, By taxiguy
For a full-size picture of the Cadillacs:

(Click the picture to get the big version) :wink:

Some time I will go by and see if they are using a closer parking lot to store the cars in, so that I can get a better picture of them
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 19/06/2008 @ 20:39:34, By CarChasesFanatic
And also pick two of each so you ship two of them to me :grin:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 19/06/2008 @ 20:40:44, By CarChasesFanatic
I cant see the Caddies pic enlarged by the way :ohwell:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 19/06/2008 @ 20:50:24, By taxiguy
Hmmm... did you just click the link:
and then click the picture on the page? It should show a bigger version. :ohwell:
It's not a lot bigger, probably not worth it anyhow as it is not the best quality in full size... I guess just never mind then, I'm so bad at this internet image business :wink:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 19/06/2008 @ 21:00:04, By CarChasesFanatic
I did click, but when i enter tinypic the image wont appear, anyway as you say ti is nto much important, i already know how they look :bave:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 19/06/2008 @ 21:08:41, By antp
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 19/06/2008 @ 21:47:08, By taxiguy
Thanks antp :wink:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 22/06/2008 @ 16:32:03, By SPcamert
I found the 68 Dart again.
This was my dad's first car but his was green.
And this Plymouth Valiant Scamp lives by my sister's house.
My mom owned one of those.
And then there was this one.
I found it funny that a beetle which gets decent mileage was being pulled by an F250/F350 which gets about 11 to the gallon.
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 22/06/2008 @ 17:23:11, By fck
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 23/06/2008 @ 16:23:01, By ingo
I couldn't find the prototype-thread again, so I post it here:
half an hour ago I was passed on the Autobahn 31 by four(!) Mercedes-prototypes.
Three covered sedans (obviously Mercedes-design, I guess the E-Klasse-successor) and a non-covered four-door-Coupé with a strange spoiler on the back. The Coupé had no special Mercedes-design-elements, even a bit of BMW or Lexus was to imagine, but it was a prototype, too. At first it was no actual released car, the body was obviously handmade (to see by the lots of buckles and non-exact fitting of doors and fenders) and it was following the three sedan, and all four had South German license-plates, 2x M (München), 1x FR (Freiburg) and 1x LB (Ludwigsburg).

Probably they were on the way to Papenburg in the far Northwest of Germany. Mercedes Benz has a test-range over there.

I should have had a camera, perhaps I could have made a bit money by selling the pics. :sad:

Latest Edition: 23/06/2008 @ 16:24:11
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