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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 23/06/2008 @ 16:23:01, By ingo
I couldn't find the prototype-thread again, so I post it here:
half an hour ago I was passed on the Autobahn 31 by four(!) Mercedes-prototypes.
Three covered sedans (obviously Mercedes-design, I guess the E-Klasse-successor) and a non-covered four-door-Coupé with a strange spoiler on the back. The Coupé had no special Mercedes-design-elements, even a bit of BMW or Lexus was to imagine, but it was a prototype, too. At first it was no actual released car, the body was obviously handmade (to see by the lots of buckles and non-exact fitting of doors and fenders) and it was following the three sedan, and all four had South German license-plates, 2x M (München), 1x FR (Freiburg) and 1x LB (Ludwigsburg).

Probably they were on the way to Papenburg in the far Northwest of Germany. Mercedes Benz has a test-range over there.

I should have had a camera, perhaps I could have made a bit money by selling the pics. :sad:

Latest Edition: 23/06/2008 @ 16:24:11

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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 23/06/2008 @ 16:53:29, By CarChasesFanatic
Shame Ingo! yesterday i saw a beautiful blue Continental GTC :love: that's a beauty
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 23/06/2008 @ 18:41:27, By Leoz
In Knaresbrough, Harrogate (where my mum now lives) you often see many old cars. Recently a lot of American classics. A few weeks ago I saw a black '70 Plymouth Cuda (Hemi), an early fifties Suburban Estate, a '48 Ford F-100, a Chevrolet Stepside and many classic MGs with the odd Beetle Type 1.

Latest Edition: 23/06/2008 @ 18:42:50
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 25/06/2008 @ 11:06:45, By SPcamert
I wish I lived in Germany. There are so few awesome cars around here... :sad:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 25/06/2008 @ 21:16:05, By taxiguy
I was looking through some of my old car pictures on my computer, when I came across some interesting ones. When I say "interesting" I mean interesting to me, most of you will just think of these as old junkers :tongue: but they are rare and I appriciate them :smile:
The pictures were taken between 2004 and 2008

A Chrysler Town & Country minivan. But look closey, it also has a "Grand Voyager" badge on the left side :grin:

A 1981-84 Mercury Lynx (Ford Escort)station wagon. VERY rare, one of only two Lnyx's I've ever seen in my whole life.

Ford LTD Country Squire :love:

Cadillac Cimarron (Chevrolet Cavalier). A lot of people hated these, but I wouldn't mind one :smile:
Also note the BMW (7-series?) in the background :love:

Eagle Premier (Dodge Monaco). I think this is based on a Renault?

1984 Ford Tempo (ugly but rare)

Dodge 600 Convertible. Sad to see it such condition isn't it? :sad:

1975-76 Cadillac (Deville or Fleetwood)

A 1976 Cadillac Eldorado :bave:

Nothing special about this old Jetta? Look at the price! I think they added an extra "1" on the beginning :lol:
(I looked this car over thouroghly, trust me it is worth no more than $2000, if that even)

A nice old '88 Caprice, only $800! Unfortunately, my nagging did nothing to persuede my father to buy it :grin:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 25/06/2008 @ 21:48:31, By CarChasesFanatic
Oh i love them all too Max, lovely old american cars :love: , well the Jetta is nothing special, and yes, the Eagle was based on the Renault 25, Oh those Caddies :bave: yet the first one has many rust underneath :sad: nice find with the Cimarron, even if it is the cheap Caddy of the history i love it too :tongue: (the BMW behind of it is a 5 series E34 by the way) also, can you believe that when i was younger there used to be one in a car dealership at an industrial state? :ohwell: i simply loved it everytime i had to go by that place and see that beautful wagon parked in there (sight)

This evening ive went out and seen an american Volkswagen Cabrio, so nice, only for the fact that it was american :love: lovely! ill post a picture of it whenever i can, i've also seen a truck loaded of brand new Dodge Journey, but i had already seen them on the road.

Latest Edition: 25/06/2008 @ 22:11:50
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 25/06/2008 @ 22:30:28, By taxiguy
Oh, you like the Cimarron? How about some more pictures then? :smile:

Also speaking of Volkswagens, I once saw this Volkswagen hatchback in a parking lot. I can't remember the name, "Scorpio" or somethihg like that?

Also, the car you are talking about, do you mean a BMW 5-series or something else?
And what do you mean by "industrial state" :think:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 25/06/2008 @ 22:36:03, By atom
Scirocco :wink:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 25/06/2008 @ 22:54:56, By antp
Nice Scirocco mk2 :smile:

And I also like the Cimarron.
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 26/06/2008 @ 00:55:22, By CarChasesFanatic
Oh, you like the Cimarron? How about some more pictures then? :smile:

Also, the car you are talking about, do you mean a BMW 5-series or something else?
And what do you mean by "industrial state" :think:

Oh how nice, thanks for the extra pictures :wink: very nice, its side is very Ascona-like, yet i prefere the Caddy of course :smile:

Yes i mean that it is a 5 Series E34 :wink:

An industrial state is a place only for that, for companies in where they usually have their warehouses etc, i dont know how you call that in america :ohwell:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 26/06/2008 @ 01:10:53, By G-MANN
It's called an Industrial Estate.
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 26/06/2008 @ 01:10:57, By taxiguy
Ah, yes. Like an "idustrial park" as we call it here. :wink:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 26/06/2008 @ 01:12:57, By CarChasesFanatic
Oops i missed the "E" sorry, my fault :wink: yet you could have guessed it huh! :grin:

Latest Edition: 26/06/2008 @ 01:13:37
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 26/06/2008 @ 03:21:05, By taxiguy

its side is very Ascona-like

That would be because it is the same car with a different front and rear. :grin:
They are both based on GM's J-body platform. In fact, I think the Ascona and the Cimarron (along with the other J-bodies) might share the same doors.
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 26/06/2008 @ 04:26:04, By taxiguy
Ok, I've got a couple more car pictures.
These ones are fresh, taken just this evening. :wink:

A late-80s Cadillac Fleetwood for CCF. :smile:
You may not like it though since it is the small downsized model (and therefore in my opion simply not worthy)
But I thought maybe you'd apprciate it anyhow :wink:

Yet another Caprice for sale at a dealership. With gas at four bucks a gallon, I guess no one wants these big guzzlers anymore. But for only $1850, I would take this beauty any day (despite the horrible, disgusting wheels) :sol:

Also (quite off topic but oh well), they're constructing a new building next to the skyscrpaer my dad works in, so tonight we stoped by his office to take a few picures.

Nice view of the city from up there too :smile:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 26/06/2008 @ 05:31:35, By IRT_BMT_IND
I saw this prototype Porsche when I was downtown this weekend. It had a yellow and black manufacturers license plate on the rear.
Also saw a Nintendo Wii Smart Car.
And this isn't a car, but I found it to be interesting. It's one of GO Transit's new Alexander-Dennis double-deck buses.

Latest Edition: 26/06/2008 @ 05:32:05
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 26/06/2008 @ 08:26:55, By antp

A late-80s Cadillac Fleetwood for CCF. :smile:
Yet another Caprice for sale at a dealership.

:love: I like these two
I'd take the Caprice if only it was simple to import and if I had somewhere to put it :grin:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 26/06/2008 @ 09:33:13, By marioman3138
taxiguy-USA shouldn't complain about oil prices-in Australia its around $8 US a Gallon. And we have our own oil refineres!
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 26/06/2008 @ 09:48:12, By taxiguy
taxiguy-USA shouldn't complain about oil prices-in Australia its around $8 US a Gallon. And we have our own oil refineres!

We have refineres too... a LOT of them. But still not enough to completely supply this gas-guzzling nation :ohwell:
I suppose our prices are not as bad as Australia, or Europe for that matter.
But just think, a year ago it was $3 per gallon, three years ago it was $2 per gallon, and five years ago it was $1.50 per gallon! It tripled in price in just five years! That's crazy :crazy:

Although, it actually went down in the last couple of days, it was at $3.95 per gallon this evening. The first time it's been under four bucks in quite a while :smile:
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 26/06/2008 @ 09:57:28, By marioman3138
2 years ago our price was around $3.70 US a gallon. Thats double in 2 years!
While you are at it have a look at this C65%3A12&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14
I got a Geelong Football Club one of these Camary's, it is rather nice. It is around 4.5 inches (12cm) long (car). They are made by Welly. What do you think of it??
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interesting/funny/special cars sightings
Published 26/06/2008 @ 10:02:56, By taxiguy
Yes, I have seen those model Camrys before, but not with that paint scheme/decals. They are nice, but I'm just not too fond of the current generation ones. :wink:
If you find one older than that though, make sure to let me know :smile:
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