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Sharing images with similar sites
Published 12/03/2008 @ 05:19:51, By Ddey65
Perahps I missed something, but what is the policy of sharing images with other websites that cover vehicles of any kind? Let's say I felt like sending some images I've already got here to Buses on Screen, or some other website that you have links to?
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Sharing images with similar sites
Published 12/03/2008 @ 10:11:35, By antp
Do you mean sending images from a site to imcdb?
Buses on screen is SteveA's site, so a comment + link to indicate that the pic comes from there is enough. Same for other sites to which was already already had contacts and pictures uploaded. But for all other sites, it is always better to ask first to the site owner.

Or do you mean sending images from imcdb to a site?
Then if these images were captured by you, you do what you want with these. For others, we usually ask to the other site to mention somewhere that the images come from imcdb. As we do not have the rights on these images we cannot forbid others to reuse them anyway.

Latest Edition: 12/03/2008 @ 10:14:31
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Sharing images with similar sites
Published 12/03/2008 @ 14:21:27, By Ddey65
Or do you mean sending images from imcdb to a site?
Then if these images were captured by you, you do what you want with these. For others, we usually ask to the other site to mention somewhere that the images come from imcdb. As we do not have the rights on these images we cannot forbid others to reuse them anyway.

That's the one. But the info regarding scanning images from other auto-movie related sites is good too. Now I have to decide whether I want to send the link to the GMC in "Up the Down Staricase" and the Chevy School Bus in "The World of Henry Orient" or the actual images.
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Sharing images with similar sites
Published 12/03/2008 @ 15:02:28, By antp
About sending link or pics, the link as the advantage to include the name and eventual comments.

Latest Edition: 12/03/2008 @ 15:03:19
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Sharing images with similar sites
Published 12/03/2008 @ 15:31:59, By Wampa-One
Along these same lines, is there any problem with posting an IMCDB link in IMDB message boards discussing particular cars in movies? (Especially when there seems to be disagreement on what kind of car or year.)

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Sharing images with similar sites
Published 12/03/2008 @ 15:44:18, By Ddey65
I don't know about you, Wampa-One, but I've sent plenty of IMCDB links to IMDb message boards. Kalifornia(1993) and Sleepover(2004) get frequent post asking about the cars in those two movies.

Latest Edition: 12/04/2008 @ 15:40:00
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Sharing images with similar sites
Published 12/03/2008 @ 16:26:45, By antp
It is always good to post links, but be careful: as some members have said, it seems that on IMDB forums there are lots of kids posting useless stuff, like those that we try to avoid here :grin:
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