Reminder of the previous message
Ah ok, well ill continue to help with that part then.
Although judging by the number of things added each week against the amount that gets put in the forum each week, id say alot of the admins are in the same boat as you with not much time to spend adding pics to the site. So you cant deny that maybe giving one or two more people the ability to add pictures to the site is not such a bad idea. More admins = means more help, which means more work can be done and a less cluttered forum.
Latest Edition: 04/02/2009 @ 15:00:18
Visit Statistics
Published 04/10/2010 @ 17:27:41, By
![:eek: :eek:](images/smileys/eek.gif)
103 visitors last night on the forum? That must be a record.
Visit Statistics
Published 04/10/2010 @ 17:33:54, By
Maybe just robots (for future spam?
![:grin: :grin:](images/smileys/grin.gif)