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I've opened a page for that car in the site By the way, it seems you are not member of IMCDB because the system does not recognize you as member (GJCWalker is in black letters when members get red ones) or, maybe, you use another nick for IMCDB (?).
From other part, when you want to do a contribution use the "Contributions" section and, by the way, you should do the captures. It's very easy.
Follow the discussion in the site but if you want write comments you should be logged as user.
I've done some captures of this car. Any other views?
From other part, when you want to do a contribution use the "Contributions" section and, by the way, you should do the captures. It's very easy.
Follow the discussion in the site but if you want write comments you should be logged as user.
I've done some captures of this car. Any other views?