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Audi Superbowl Commercial
Published 17/03/2009 @ 08:40:38, By antp
I still disagree, I still do not see why we should not accept an new series. Only thing that we should do is to more quickly move vehicles to movie comments. For both existing or new series. As soon as few "serious" members of the site (or admins) say that it is not close enough to a real car (we'll always have occasional visitors who will find a model name for any drawing)

Only reason why discussions last is because the unknonwn cars stay on the series pages. I can't do everything, but the one who uploaded pictures or provided them can put them on movie page more quickly and (if not admin) request deletion of the unidentified vehicle page.

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Audi Superbowl Commercial
Published 17/03/2009 @ 12:37:04, By vilero
Well. The discussion is going longer and this post was about a TV commercial. Maybe we will take up again the matter about animated movies and TV series in "General" but about TV commercials in the site there are unanimity that must have a IMDB link and be considered in IMDB as short movie.
Your post and 'dragonboy's' for the meantime is kept in "contributions"

Latest Edition: 17/03/2009 @ 16:42:22
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[N/A] Audi Superbowl Commercial
Published 08/07/2011 @ 14:05:48, By vilero
843 days without answer
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