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I agree with antp. You are too unpleasant towards other users on the site at times. Just because someone makes a mistake or says something that you don't agree with or even if they are from Brazil does not mean that they deserve to be called stupid, or being crap people, as you have done in the past. Everybody makes mistakes and has opinions (these are like arseholes, everyone has one, they are not always the same and they can stink). As long as you fail to accept that and abuse people then it is clearly you who lacks the respect. We don't want to ban you as you sometimes provide good info and interesting pictures but your behaviour has taken that out of our hands. Learn that everyone has opinions, make mistakes (and lets be frank even you make mistakes with non-South American vehicles) and that these may not accord with yours. That is the reason for your ban. Learn that or you won't be allowed online. The only reason it is you that is being targeted for this is that you are probably the only person who is so often disrespectful to other admins, users and even the site rules. Cf: , , and for just four examples that have been discussed recently in the admin section. On two of those pages 130rapid and antp even warned you that you were at risk of being banned but you did not listen.

Behave better, respect others and when you come back you will be respected back and won't be banned again.
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