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Maybe a stupid question, but Haynes is an UK-publisher. :confused:
I'm not familiar with them, because there was never an issue for the K 70.

yes Haynes was originally a UK publisher but now they have Publishers in USA, Australia and Sweden too. And the books sold in each country are only for cars sold in that market. For instance I can't buy a manual for a VW Polo here because they never sold the car in the USA. Even the manuals that are for the same cars are different. I have a USA Haynes Manual for the Golf/Jetta II and it is different from my manual for the UK Golf/Jetta II because of the different specifications in each country (just to give a quick example.) The newer manuals however are usually the same for all markets to save money, except a few added names and flipped images. I have one for a AUS market Toyota Camry and Holden Apollo and the image on the cover is the same as the US Corolla with the image reversed.
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