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For 130rapid, the Tatra-powered motorbike:

@rjluna2: these fellows have the obsession, to re-use all kind of old stuff, from pre-war-times and older. Not only their vehicles (they have also a large collection of COMECON-made motorbikes, mopeds and bicycles) are re-activated and repaired with other old stuff, also the buildings, old barn, artisan cottages and so on are exclusively made of old material. The have a special faible for all the makeshifts, made by East Germans in the first years after WWII, from war-scrap and stuff from the 19th century.

So the "Tatra-bike" is also a mongrel of all kind of different stuff. I forgot some details, but the semaphores are from a truck and the headlight was made from a ... paint bucket.

The frame of this war-disabled BMW-motorbike (hit by a grenade) was found and digged out in a forest in 1952. The finder has organized different parts for make it roadworth again. The engine is from a NSU-motorbike, the front wheel from a IFA F9 and so on.

In their re-built workshop they have a 140-year-old light switch still in daily use:

and masses of ancient lighting-stuff is hanging on the ceiling. The most stuff is 80, 100 or more years old:

This chandelier is selfmade from all kind of metal-scrap (if you cannot identify it: the aluminium "dishes" are Wartburg 311-hubcaps):
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