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We also made Car Konvoi. This is highly illegal in Germany, but we got a rare permission by the local authority. Two police cars accompanied us and the roads were closed just for us. It was truly amazing because i felt like the King of the Road. :grin: An american police car was even allowed to drive on the roads with lights and sirens, which was even more awesome. :eek:
Quite unusual sight in europe, but the Mustang is capable of hauling trailers. Maybe that gives the original impression of what Ford has planned the Mustang for: The common driving, not the Race track!

Err, no: a convoi is only illegal here, when there are more than 29 cars in line. In a convoi -with permission and police-escort- the whole convoi is seen as one single verhicle, so it's allowed to follow the first car over red traffic lights.
When you have more than 29 cars, you need the permission - or you tell the cops, when they stop you: "no idea, why they all follow me, what a funny coincidence", or the cars start separated in smaller groups. Of course you drive as single cars, so each one for himself.

Very odd combination: a legendary US-American icon, towing a Trabant- and Zapohorhets-compatible Campingtrailer made in DDR ( )
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