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Not really "after the end of production", but according to the Gazoline issue of June(1), the stock of unsold Renault Dauphine in USA by late 1960 went up to 45,000 cars, all cheerfully decaying in dealers parking lots in Boston, Los Angeles or Newark...
1: Renault Dauphine 1093, Un volant pour les As (fr). Some US models were "imported back" to Europe and of these, a few were recycled to become the sporty 1093.
Illustration of 1956-'67 Renault Dauphine - Wherein the French reputation goes down the American Standard on
1: Renault Dauphine 1093, Un volant pour les As (fr). Some US models were "imported back" to Europe and of these, a few were recycled to become the sporty 1093.

Illustration of 1956-'67 Renault Dauphine - Wherein the French reputation goes down the American Standard on