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Does it count if we don't see the accident occur but we see the result of it ?

Just went out of my home to mail some letters and near the corner of the street was a 2006-2012 Toyota Yaris sedan, over the sidewalk, on the wrong side of the road. In the Yaris grille was a 1999-2001 Hyundai Sonata. Both were forming a 90 degrees angle, the Sonata being across my street.. ( i don't know exactly what happened since both cars were not facing the side street yet ) . there was also a 2009-2011 Volkswagen Tiguan parked near the crash scene but i don't know if it was involved ( it wasn't damaged ).
So i went to mail my letters ( there was already a bunch of people and i don't have any medical training, so i would have been useless ) and when i came back home , there was an ambulance and 2 police cars ( but no Tiguan anymore ). Didn't knew it was that hard , even if the Yaris was partially redesigned
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