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As my mother-in-law will stay for a while in a heart-diseas-hospital in Eastern Westphalia and we will visit her as often as possible, I've looked for sights around there. So I have found pictures of an abandoned car-museum.

@130rapid: IIRC you have tried to go there on the way back from the Techno Classica, where we have met. It was already closed then.
I have been there many years ago, in the early 80ies as a child.

I've found out, that it was closed in 2007 for renovation and should heve been reopened in 2008. But this never happend, the owner went also into bankrupcy. As I read in the comments on local websites, noone knows really, what up there, if the owner is still alive or -as others say-, that the mesaum ist already sold (allegedly to a French WWII-veteran, but it's unclear, if that's true and if yes, if this old man is also still alive).

So the museum (all vehicles are still standing there) and especially the stuff outside rots to death since 9 years and noone know, if and how anything will go on.

A plenty of photos unter this article:

photos, made a few weeks before its closing:
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