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Published 15/07/2014 @ 02:59:35, By Ddey65
I just stumbled upon these while seeking info on Vetter buses:

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Published 15/07/2014 @ 13:07:50, By ingo

This is no joke-car, but a serious bus-conversion.

We already have listed this specific vehicle - and it still exists in reality! As a wreck, but anyways. See the links under

No idea, how many were made in total.

P.S. As written in the VW-blog in the link, this bus-wreck was bought in 2009 for 6000 CHF (ca.4000 €) by a well-known dealer for spares for classic VW's, Peter Fried in Southwest Germany

Latest Edition: 15/07/2014 @ 13:16:00
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Published 17/05/2015 @ 23:17:31, By antp
I didn't really know where to post this, it is more interesting than "funny", but anyway:
17 classic cars next to their modern version
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Published 22/05/2015 @ 21:52:37, By Baube
nice to see the evolution of those cars
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Published 24/05/2015 @ 02:10:27, By Baube
if there is any Buffalo Sabres fans here, this one is for you
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Published 23/06/2015 @ 03:32:57, By Baube
Doc and Marty needed some storage space for their time travelling getaways so...
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Published 30/06/2015 @ 06:34:35, By Ddey65
Mexican 1967 Dodge Coronet 440. Click the link and find out what makes them different from the US & Canada:
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Published 09/07/2015 @ 06:52:16, By Ddey65
Doc and Marty needed some storage space for their time travelling getaways so...

I've see plenty of cars on the road today that need something like this... like those 4-door no space hatchbacks.

Some of you have probably seen this years ago, like I have.
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Published 09/07/2015 @ 13:23:13, By Baube
1.....2......3 Volvo wins ! :lol:
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Published 19/07/2015 @ 04:55:33, By Ddey65
Okay, this may not be funny, but it's interesting; 1975 JC Whitney aftermarket parts for Volkswagens:

I'm going to search for more old JC Whitney stuff starting tonight.
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Published 19/07/2015 @ 04:59:52, By Ddey65
Here's another one:

So far, the only ones I've been able to find are from 1975, but the book "Cars of the Fabulous '50's," has a few of them from that era.
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Published 19/07/2015 @ 17:26:03, By Sandie
From Car Sales Memes on Twitter:
(Is it sad I recognise that that's a Vauxhall, possibly Vectra C/Signum, dial set)
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Published 20/07/2015 @ 01:29:52, By dsl
Is it sad I recognise that that's a Vauxhall, possibly Vectra C/Signum, dial set

No, rejoice - it's a talent. Talents are useful. Even if their opportunity may not be immediately obvious .....
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Published 21/07/2015 @ 16:55:12, By rjluna2
Check out on these wonderful vintage vehicles at Take A Tour Of The World's Largest Known Classic Car Graveyard :smile:
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Published 31/07/2015 @ 17:33:18, By rjluna2
A member from CPU-World forum post a picture of a car etched on the CPU die. Does anyone recongise this? This is from Am386 microprocessor.
File: unknownroadster.jpg ( 8.3 KB - 1179 )

Latest Edition: 31/07/2015 @ 17:35:45
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Published 31/07/2015 @ 21:57:47, By ElSaxo
Ferrari Testarossa?
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Published 01/08/2015 @ 02:25:17, By Baube
it is a Testarossa ( or friends 512TR or F512 M ).All of them did kept the same line, with minor visual differences. Voting for the Testarossa because it's the most recognized name of the three
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Published 02/08/2015 @ 18:10:53, By Nightrider
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Published 03/08/2015 @ 13:27:14, By rjluna2
it is a Testarossa ( or friends 512TR or F512 M ).All of them did kept the same line, with minor visual differences. Voting for the Testarossa because it's the most recognized name of the three

Merci, Baube. I sent a word at the CPU-World forum :smile:
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Published 03/08/2015 @ 19:45:13, By eLMeR
A member from CPU-World forum post a picture of a car etched on the CPU die. Does anyone recongise this? This is from Am386 microprocessor.

One thing sure, as the AM386 was made in 1991-92 only, it has no relation with the 2002-13 sponsorship contract between AMD and Ferrari (the F1 Scuderia) signed 11 years later.

The Ferrari 512 TR appeared in 1991 (as 1992 model year) and the F512 M in 1994, the one on the CPU can be either a (1984-91) Testarossa or a 512 TR. What could be seen as the lack of right mirror could indicate an early Testarossa model.

Latest Edition: 03/08/2015 @ 19:47:29
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