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Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 29/10/2015 @ 16:28:07, By Baube
changes from the regular pumpkin...they are probably giving those....
Latest Edition: 29/10/2015 @ 16:28:27

Latest Edition: 29/10/2015 @ 16:28:27
Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 31/10/2015 @ 05:15:27, By Baube

Happy Halloween everybody!
Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 03/11/2015 @ 22:31:55, By rjluna2
Here is an interesting page at Black Sheep: Embarrassing Offspring from Otherwise Upstanding Automotive Families

Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 04/11/2015 @ 07:14:22, By Baube
Cool find
Didn't even knew that the Cygnet actually made it to production

Didn't even knew that the Cygnet actually made it to production
Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 04/11/2015 @ 14:43:16, By dsl
Yes it did - I think they eventually made well under 1000 (AM are very coy about how many - their target was 2000 per year), with only 150 sold in UK - I've only ever seen 3 - 2 on the road and one secondhand a month ago in a showroom. But Stirling Moss had one. And you can still download a brochure.
Its front styling was blatantly copied for the Chinese Dojo Pioneer baby EV, so it was noticed by someone at least. Spark made a very nice 1-43 resin model in silver, white or tomato red - surprisingly perhaps the red one is the most attractive in the "metal".
Its front styling was blatantly copied for the Chinese Dojo Pioneer baby EV, so it was noticed by someone at least. Spark made a very nice 1-43 resin model in silver, white or tomato red - surprisingly perhaps the red one is the most attractive in the "metal".
Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 04/11/2015 @ 20:32:54, By Baube
Would LOVE to see James Bond's face as Q shows him this one as his car for the mission.....

Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 05/11/2015 @ 22:17:10, By eLMeR
Read in the linked page:
Funny reinterpretation of the facts: it was mostly the easiest way AM found to lower the average emissions of its whole car line, so the make could comply with the then oncoming 2012 European CO2 emissions targets.
Latest Edition: 05/11/2015 @ 22:21:17
The Aston Martin Cygnet was launched to give Aston owners a tender by which they could more easily dock in Europe’s congested city centers.
Funny reinterpretation of the facts: it was mostly the easiest way AM found to lower the average emissions of its whole car line, so the make could comply with the then oncoming 2012 European CO2 emissions targets.
Latest Edition: 05/11/2015 @ 22:21:17
Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 19/11/2015 @ 00:56:58, By atom
Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 19/11/2015 @ 01:51:43, By Baube
It's about the only situation that Volvo did not test their vehicles for..
On a more serious way, hope the driver ( and passengers if any ) is ok... did they said in the article how he managed to climb on the truck ? ( the only word i understood is Goteborg

On a more serious way, hope the driver ( and passengers if any ) is ok... did they said in the article how he managed to climb on the truck ? ( the only word i understood is Goteborg

Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 19/11/2015 @ 10:01:49, By atom
It's not very clear how it happened but it seems the S60 driver came from a field next to the onramp and flew over the ditch and into the box on the truck. Both drivers were ok.
Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 19/11/2015 @ 17:37:55, By cl82
Now that is some Cobra 11-style crash. Nevertheless, the accident perpetrator made at least one wise choice by pulling this stunt in a Volvo.
Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 19/11/2015 @ 18:03:35, By karoomay
Reminds me of this scene from the Blues Brothers
Latest Edition: 19/11/2015 @ 18:08:17

Latest Edition: 19/11/2015 @ 18:08:17
Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 19/11/2015 @ 20:23:39, By Gamer
I was going to post "They broke my watch!" but I feared no one would know that I specifically meant that scene...
Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 20/11/2015 @ 02:13:28, By Baube
thanks for the translation atom

Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 20/11/2015 @ 17:28:23, By ingo
I was going to post "They broke my watch!" but I feared no one would know that I specifically meant that scene...
which would have been wrong anyways

as this scene is at the end of:
Yes, when I had this car

-unfortunately only a few weeks in summer 1994 until an engine-breakdown-, I had picked some extra cigarette-lighters from junkyard cars and stored them in the glovebox

and once I made a friend yelling, just for the short question "You don't like it?", when we had been here:

Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 05/01/2016 @ 17:41:28, By Ddey65
Not funny, but still interesting. Most winters in the northeast in the early 21st Century were excessively snowy. Here's a pic from February 2011, that has people touring Port Jefferson, New York on motorcycles despite the lingering snow piles all over the place. The guy on this BMW was from Vermont, and I once worked at a restaurant where this parking lot is.
File: BMW Touring Bike in Snowy Port Jeff; 02-2011.jpg
( 194.9 KB - 956 )
Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 07/01/2016 @ 06:28:52, By Ddey65
This is also a decent bike for those of us old enough to remember the Big Wheel, and it's derivatives:
Funny Pictures from Email/Internet
Published 13/01/2016 @ 02:41:00, By Baube
Not really that funny but i didn't knew exactly where it could fit in. Everybody who once went in a auto show saw the open to the public part of it. Found this for the 2016 Montreal Auto Show, which opens this friday. The link is only in french ( tried the english version and couldn't find the link for it ) but non-french speaking people are not really missing important informations from the text.
As they say, a pic is worth a thousand words and its doing it without the language barrier
What a auto show looks like when it still in preparation
Latest Edition: 13/01/2016 @ 02:41:38
As they say, a pic is worth a thousand words and its doing it without the language barrier
What a auto show looks like when it still in preparation
Latest Edition: 13/01/2016 @ 02:41:38