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Lets take you on a wild ride of a dream i had last night (so pretty fresh). Be advised: If you think dreams can come true you should not read this. Otherwise you could believe i will die soon.

First i dreamt of sitting in the TGV (High Speed Train in France) going to Paris. Suddenly it got announced that the train could not brake anymore. I was sitting close to the front and could look through the front window. They told us all to move to the right side because Paris main station is lying in a sharp left corner.

Looking through the front window i saw how all other trains were diverted to other tracks and one train just managed to move out of our way in the last second. Then the train started to lean over to the right and i got pushed against the right side. The TGV derailed and crashed. I got out with what seems to be no injuries. I immediately posted on Whatsapp to my family that i was involved in a train accident and that i am okay.

Then i opened a thread on IMCDb Forum (serious shit!) titled "[27/02/2017] Train Derailment Paris", uploaded some pictures of it and told the story to you.

So why is this a car-related dream? Because it goes on in the most horrible way imaginable. On the same Day: Somehow i decided to continue my journey by bus instead of train now. As we were riding on a Autobahn we came into a construction site with only one lane of traffic open. I can see very well through the front window. Suddenly i see that some vehicles ahead of us a truck makes a hard braking. Everyone tries to stop but the bus driver keeps driving without stopping. I want to scream "Stop!" but strangely i dont do it. The Bus pushes several cars ahead of him into the stopped truck and we finally come to a stop.

I get out of the bus, again strangely with no injuries (or at least no pain). Now i rush out to provide first aid. At first i arrive at a blue car occupied by an older couple. They say they are okay and so i continue. Then i reach a woman, who is already out of her car. She is leaning against the middle guard rail, dismembered and in a big puddle of blood. Every part of her body down from her hip is gone and thank god i didnt start searching... The woman sarcastically remarks to my question if i can help her: "Last week i had hip pain. Now my hip pain is gone. Because i dont have any hip anymore." An evilish laugh from the woman follows. I stay in shock but another man pulls me away from her so i continue along the row of injured people.

So after my first aid is done i decide to take some pictures for the IMCDb forum. I walk to the front end of the crash site and take several pictures. A group of three double decker busses stand there. One older double decker got spun around while the other two have front damage. Then there is a crashed and mangled emergency vehicle crushed between one bus and a truck. The emergency lighting is still activated.

After seeing this i walk up a nearby hill to make an overal shot. At this time the first ambulance has arrived. I open the existing thread on IMCDb Forum on my mobile phone and add the photos i have taken in the forum. Under the photos i write: "I got evolved in a multiple car accident. It happened on the same day as my train derailment. At the moment i dont know the cause of the accident but i believe a bus driver got panicked by the lights and sirens of an emergency vehicle and made a hard braking. The following two bus drivers were so surprised that they crashed into the other bus, leading to the accident."

Crazy stuff. Really crazy stuff. Thank god i did not have a plane accident on the same day in my dream.
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