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A couple of other recurring ones, and both involve my parent's old '71 Ford F-250.

My father would drive me down the road, and decide he wants to put me behind the wheel, despite the fact that I'm way too young to drive anything, let alone a 3/4 ton pickup, modified to handle a camper. Well, my first set of dreams, I end up crashing it right away. Within time more of those dreams have me being better able to handle the truck.

Another batch of dreams where dad is driving me and either one or both of my brothers out to eastern Brookhaven Township (west of the Hamptons, for those who aren't familiar with Long Island). Suddenly we end up in some big, flat sand mining field, passing a couple of old Mack B-Series trucks (one of which is construction specific), and running under a high railroad bridge. There are no high railroad bridges in that part of Long Island.

I had other car and truck related dreams too, but I'm not ready to mention them right now.
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