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May be due to a bad ad on the site, or there is some malware installed in the browser of the ipad (Safari or Chrome?)
For the first case, if you can provide the address of the page from which you ad the problem and the address of the new page it opened, I can report it.
For the second case, check the add-ons/extensions/plugins of the browser to see if there is something unknown listed there.
It is weird that people having problems like that on the site are mostly ipad users
Either a lot of ipads are infected with malware, or bad ads target these rather than others?
For the first case, if you can provide the address of the page from which you ad the problem and the address of the new page it opened, I can report it.
For the second case, check the add-ons/extensions/plugins of the browser to see if there is something unknown listed there.
It is weird that people having problems like that on the site are mostly ipad users
Either a lot of ipads are infected with malware, or bad ads target these rather than others?