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Hi all,
Question posed to all members. Why do certain contributors only list the main title and never add AKAs?
Is this something normal contributors cannot do? (I can't remember since I am admin for years now and I never contributed anything prior to admin status).
Reason I ask is because I find almost every entry I come across lacks the complete list of AKAs on IMDb.
I also am running into this issue with DVDs sold in my home country that were released elsewhere under different names. I ran into this recently with 'The Blind King' being sold here as 'Dark Silence'. I had a really tough time even finding that movie on imdb.
Just wanted to see why contributors might be avoiding adding AKAs or maybe their isn't a way for a non-admin to add them?
I have been trying to add as many as I can when I am on my computer. The task becomes rather daunting when viewing the site on a cell phone and trying to company and paste the different languages over into our database.
Question posed to all members. Why do certain contributors only list the main title and never add AKAs?
Is this something normal contributors cannot do? (I can't remember since I am admin for years now and I never contributed anything prior to admin status).
Reason I ask is because I find almost every entry I come across lacks the complete list of AKAs on IMDb.
I also am running into this issue with DVDs sold in my home country that were released elsewhere under different names. I ran into this recently with 'The Blind King' being sold here as 'Dark Silence'. I had a really tough time even finding that movie on imdb.
Just wanted to see why contributors might be avoiding adding AKAs or maybe their isn't a way for a non-admin to add them?
I have been trying to add as many as I can when I am on my computer. The task becomes rather daunting when viewing the site on a cell phone and trying to company and paste the different languages over into our database.