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Originally the rule was to use "Made for Movie" for bad replicas, and the intended make for good replicas.
For a vehicle A modified to look like a vehicle B, we can list either as "A as B" or "B on A", I would say that it depends on which one it looks like the most.
In the movie world, a lot of replicas are used, so having them listed under their intended make rather than the generic "Made for Movie" is often better I think. Otherwise any CGI/drawn vehicle would technically be "Made for Movie"
There are probably some cases to update to match the "rules" I mentioned, for example those you mentioned in your comment. As I do not know much about tanks, I don't know in which category each belongs.
For a vehicle A modified to look like a vehicle B, we can list either as "A as B" or "B on A", I would say that it depends on which one it looks like the most.
In the movie world, a lot of replicas are used, so having them listed under their intended make rather than the generic "Made for Movie" is often better I think. Otherwise any CGI/drawn vehicle would technically be "Made for Movie"
There are probably some cases to update to match the "rules" I mentioned, for example those you mentioned in your comment. As I do not know much about tanks, I don't know in which category each belongs.