Subject: Car videos worth watching :)
14/08/2008 @ 09:30:21: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
James Bond & the DeLorean :
15/08/2008 @ 00:18:16: BlackIce_GTS: Car videos worth watching :)
I was in La Jolla and made some videos at some of the sport car dealerships. I need help though identifying the cars in my Supercars in La Jolla part 3 video, and I'm sure you can help. I'm going to post a link to my channel.

This one?:

-McLaren F1 GTR: '95 or '96, the teams that raced in '97 were BMW Schnitzer, Gulf Davidoff, Parabolica, and Hitotsuyama. But it could have been repainted.
-Dino 246 GTS: Technically the marque is Dino, though everybody calls them Ferraris.
-Ferrari 250GT Lusso Berlinetta
-Mercedes-Benz 300SL: Looks like it's from '57 or later, by those headlights.
-Bentley Continental: Behind the F355. Could be GT or Flying Spur.
-Mercedes-Benz 600 ('63-'81): Pretty sure that extra big window behind the C pillar means it's not "just" a W111/112 S-class.
-Ferrari 365 GTS/4: GTCs are 2+2 hardtops.
-Diablo: Of all the different variations Lamborghini came up with, I'm pretty sure this isn't any of them. It's just a Diablo.
-orange hot rod: I'm just looking at that thing on the grill, but maybe it's a Chrysler. I'm pretty clueless when I start dealing with anything before 1965. No idea what the black one is.
-Mustang: I don't know if it's a 350 or a 500 either, but it's a '69 or one of the rare '70s (which are retitled '69s). '70s had a unique front spoiler which somebody other then me could identify.
-That Cobra looks pretty skinny, maybe it's an AC? Anybody?

Where's the 365 GT4 BB? I didn't see one.
15/08/2008 @ 08:21:55: MBSL65fan: Car videos worth watching :)
Thanks. :smile: Maybe the 365GT4 BB may be a mistake. Like I said in the description, I may have made mistakes. Oh yeah, I meant San Diego, not La jolla. That is the specific area of San Diego however. I'd love to live there.
15/08/2008 @ 08:53:14: taxiguy: Car videos worth watching :)
LOL, that's all I have to say :lol:

Very, very cheesy commercial :tongue:

Toyota VISTA! (Japanese accent)

Watch for the demonstartion of the air conditioning in this commercial :grin:

There is a spec-ial feel... in an Oldsmobile! :grin:

"The roomiest car in its class, Japanese or American... or French!" :tongue:
17/08/2008 @ 20:10:27: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
Modern German music in the early-80ies-style, with a (wannabe)-50ies-decoration incl.a Borgward Isabella Cabriolet and a Opel Kapitän PL.

P.S.The baby's buggy is early 70ies.
25/08/2008 @ 22:06:53: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
I'm justing thinking about the "music-in-the-car"-thread and so I'm checking a few youtubes.

Am I confused, or could it be a Volvo 343 behind the Jeep at 1:20?

Were the Dutch Volvo's exported to Down Under?

By the way, this song brings me to thinking(hoping) about some vacations (in the far far future)
27/08/2008 @ 09:53:04: marioman3138: Car videos worth watching :)
It could be, yes, I have seen a 343 before I think. Maybe add this song ingo. Midnight Oil are a great band. The airplane is in Sydney, at the airport. cool isn't it?
02/09/2008 @ 11:34:20: marioman3138: Car videos worth watching :)
Not car related, but funny all the same
03/09/2008 @ 21:38:57: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
Is "Japp the same as "Mars" ?
03/09/2008 @ 23:41:59: taxiguy: Car videos worth watching :)

It looks to be similar to Snickers from the outside. What is on the inside of it (I could not see from the commercial)
04/09/2008 @ 09:39:56: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
Compilation from few videos for road safety prevention (UK I guess, they often do ads like that)
warning! these are quite hard, that may hurt, watch at your own risk
05/09/2008 @ 02:09:27: taxiguy: Car videos worth watching :)
Compilation from few videos for road safety prevention (UK I guess, they often do ads like that)
warning! these are quite hard, that may hurt, watch at your own risk

That's nothing, you won't beleive the kinds of videos they made us watch in driver's ed. The ones we watched were of real people at real crash scences, not like those fabricated ones on those commercials (though I must admit they had good effects) A couple of the driver's ed videos stick in my mind very well (and not in a good way either).

One very disturbing one was of a young lady's pale, lifeless body still lying in the smashed car after she had been literally speraed through the chest with the sterring column of her Chrysler New Yorker when she drifted across the center line on a two-lane 55 MPH road.

Another gory one was of a guy in a tipped over SUV, who's head and skull had actually split open (the passenger compartment of the car didn't hold up too well) and his brains had been spewed out the window and was scattered all over the pavement :boggled: They even showed the higway worker picking the little pink peices of guts off the pavement and putting them into a black plastic trash bag. What a job he has... :ohwell:

The thing about those videos though is that they were real crashes, not fake ones, which made it a little more disturbing. It's hard to beleive the destruction a motor vehicle can do to such horrible things human body. Kind of makes me not want to even ride in cars anymore...

If you would like to see what I am talking about, here is a very old version of the video we watched in my driver's ed class, "Siganl 30" (the one we watched was called "Red Asphalt: IV")
05/09/2008 @ 02:38:06: Neptune: Car videos worth watching :)
Those road safety videos posted by antp look pretty real. I jumped a few times (especially the ones involving the young children) very sad ...
05/09/2008 @ 04:45:28: BlackIce_GTS: Car videos worth watching :)
I didn't know they showed those hypergore drivers ed films anymore, I thought they were a relic of the 70s (and earlier).
I never had a driver's ed class in school either, although it's not as surprising to hear they still have those.
05/09/2008 @ 09:02:37: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
Those road safety videos posted by antp look pretty real. I jumped a few times (especially the ones involving the young children) very sad ...

Yes. In this case even if you know that it is not real it looks real, and especially there is the story around it. I find that maybe in a way even more "impressive" (not sure of the word in EN) than seeing pictures of real accidents...
11/09/2008 @ 23:29:42: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
"The 10 funniest car-PR-videos":,1518,573670,00.html

The cars in the 5th had German plates, but the actors are speaking English. The idiots are driving Citroen.

The smashed car in video 9 is a Ford Focus.

The guy in clip 10 says "Drehzahlmesser" - "revolution counter".

The videos 2, 3, 8, 10 and 11 I remember fro mthe German TV.
12/09/2008 @ 10:06:21: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
I like the 5th one, I hadn't seen that one yet :grin:
15/09/2008 @ 16:00:52: Neon: Car videos worth watching :)
4 different spot of the new Alfa Romeo Mi.To (in this video are joined :wink: )
16/09/2008 @ 13:37:00: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
how to put a truck back on its wheels?
16/09/2008 @ 14:05:04: CarChasesFanatic: Car videos worth watching :)
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