16/09/2008 @ 19:49:57: atom: Car videos worth watching :)
I find thier music scheisse...
16/09/2008 @ 23:04:21: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
You're not alone with that.
Cars are to see after the half, included a Citroen GS and even an Ami 8. Also Opel Kadett B, Ascona A and -for walter- an Audi 100 Typ 44 Avant.
16/09/2008 @ 23:07:22: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
What have I written on the 11.9. about idiots in a Citroen? They aren't the only one indeed:
More idiots in a Citroen again. Saltwater to an early-70ies-car, very intelligent.
By the way, where's the GS-commercial with the oil-cans?? I remember it from my childhood. It has impressed me so much, that, when I've been at the dentist, he always had to lift me up and down several times in the chair - "I want to play Citroen GS again", I've always said. I've been younger then. It was before my 30iest birthday.
16/09/2008 @ 23:34:21: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
A Touran is sexy, as shown in the last commercial. A Touran with gas-engine either:
Made for the gas-company of the town of Duisburg.
17/09/2008 @ 00:42:43: CarChasesFanatic: Car videos worth watching :)
I do like the Routan, its like the Gran Caravan/Voyager which i love too
17/09/2008 @ 09:36:05: antp: Car videos worth watching :)
17/09/2008 @ 21:14:36: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
Skating on the Autobahn with 100 km/h. The article say, that the guy will not be punished. He will be treatenend as a pedestrian on the Autobahn. This is no criminal offense, it's just a "Ordnungswidrigkeit", a lower case (similar as parking at a park-o-meter without payment).
23/09/2008 @ 23:33:05: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
A real clip from the 70ies (the laughs and applause was included later:
The guy say something about women's driving - unbelievable machism in actual opinion, but in 1975 it was meant seriously
P.S. These traffic-education-clips "Der 7.Sinn" is legendary (
@CCF: we talked about the Spanish edition, too). I'll try to find more "oldies" - they were popular, because they showed a lot of crashes.
I'll show my finds...
Similar mentions about women's driving:
Strange, nothing else to find on youtube, but they made more than thousand of these spots. :???:
24/09/2008 @ 01:48:05: CarChasesFanatic: Car videos worth watching :)
What Spanish edition Ingo?
24/09/2008 @ 10:05:59: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
Now I have to hurry on to go to work, so I cannot look for it, but we had talked about it a time ago in the database. I mean these 3-minutes-clips about safety in the traffic. They hjad shown several selfmade-crash-situations.
In Spain there was a similar series. In the book about it from 1986
http://cgi.ebay.de/Der-7-Sinn-Der-grosse-Ratgeber-zur-ARD-Fernsehserie_W0QQitemZ290262367222QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item290262367222&_trkparm- s=727C397C667C657C240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14
there are also scenes from the Spanish version, for example, when a Seat 850 fells from a bridge, or when a Seat 124 Sport Coupé smashes in the back of a Seat 770.
I just have seen at eBay, that there is a new book about it, also a DVD-compilation. I'll look, if it's worth to buy. In the crash-scenes, made in the 80ies, they took a planty of K 70, too.
You see the cover of the book in the eBay-auction? The middle car on the top pic, is a K 70, too. A Volvo 144 smashes it into a Ford Granada MK1.
24/09/2008 @ 12:54:03: CarChasesFanatic: Car videos worth watching :)
Perhaps you are talking about La Segunda Oportunidad? we listed most of the episodes on the site, we still have road safety campaigns but crashes arent shown as much now they edit them very fast so you hardly see anything.
24/09/2008 @ 22:00:51: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
Yes, this is it. You got it.
I should look for the DVD-edition of "Der 7.Sinn", perhaps some Spanish made scenes are included.
Some years ago, in the pre-internet- and youtube-time, I've asked the company, which had made the series, if there would be a chance to find out the K 70-scenes. They told me, that it's impossible to watch the thousands of tapes for checking the scenes.
24/09/2008 @ 22:02:04: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
It's just an empty body - but if the car would have been complete, the result wouldn't be different, I guess.
03/10/2008 @ 22:16:07: ingo: Car videos worth watching :)
Due the colour I'd say, that the Polo is an used car from Germany, orign from the Deutsche Post (with aftersale-market-wheels). This Polo 4N was often used by them.
In Moscow I've seen several former Deutsche Post-cars and vans.