I love it very much, to play and joke around with these sterotypes and prejudices - I do it in over here, too.
By the way: very recommended movie about the US/Canadian relation:
It's too much to list just a few examples about the relations, jokes and stereotypes between the several European people.
Perhaps our webmaster Antoine can tell us more - the people from Holland and France are loving to make jokes about Belgians.
Surely, sometimes still today we Germans are bad Nazis, but this is not very common any more, except in some British and sometimes Polish magazines - often before events like the actual soccer-euro-cup.
But usual the most people don't care about that or loughing about it. Even if some magazines are making upset headlines, the common people have other disputes.
For example the German-British "Mallorca-towel-war"
People from Holland don't like it, if Germans are talking about the soccer-world-cup 1974.
A propos the German-Italian-relations: in summer 1977 a title of the German new-magazine "Spiegel" has caused a real scandal in Italy. It was shown a spaghetti-meal, where a revolver was lying on top. The title-story was about the Mafia.
And one or two years ago, Polish people were angry, when a German newspaper wrote about the Polish Kacynski-brothers (one was president, the other prime minister): "The new Polish potatoes are arrived"
So there's always the discussion "Which people have the most ugliest behaviour in their vacations abroad". It goes mainly around Germans, British and Dutch people (drinking, loudness, fat, ugly guys and so on).
I must say, that often British guys (and girls not less) have the "pole position"
Annother stereotype: "Outside their countries Scandinavian people are always drunk" - over there alcohol is very expensive.
Swedish friends have told me "A Finnish guy is easy to recognize. He is just sitting around and is heavly drinking until he falls from the chair - but he never says any word."
Otherwise i've heard from Estonian guy, that Finnish one-day-tourists to Estonia (for drinking) are noisy and loud.
Always a point of view.