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AEC Routemaster by SteveA
Published 06/10/2006 @ 01:57:38, By wickey
Routemaster registrations (many of these were reregistered in later years):
RM1, RM2, RML3, RMC4 (prototypes) SLT56-9
RM5-300 VLT5-300
RM301-879, RML880-903, RM904-999 WLT301-999
RM1000 100BXL
RM1001-253, RMF1254, RM1255-1452, RMC1453-1520, RM1521-600 1-600CLT
RM1601-865 601-865DYE
RM1866-999 ALD866-999B
RM2000 ALD200B
RM2001-105 ALD1-105B
RM2106-2217, RCL2218-60, RML2261-363 CUV106-363C
RML2364-598 JJD364-598D
RML2599-657 NML599-657E
RML2658-760 SMK658-760F
The basic Routemaster was the RM class, the longer version was the RML (RML3 was standard length but Leyland-engined)
The RMC was a coach variant for Green Line services; the RCL was a long version.
RMF1254 was the only front entrance Routemaster built for London Transport.
The only rear engined Routemaster was FRM1, KGY4D
There were 65 front entrance airport coaches built for service between London and Heathrow airport, BEA1-65,KJG601-25D and NMY626-65E
The only other Routemasters built were 50 front entrance buses for Northern General in Newcastle, these were registered RCN685-702, DUP294B, EUP404-7B, FPT578-604C
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