09/09/2007 @ 20:59:42: Leoz: How you can submit pictures (NEW)
I Can Not Print Screen Pictures from My Computer-Played DVDS at all, but I can from Youtube, and the other times I do It with my Camera and they turn out fine!
09/09/2007 @ 21:16:38: antp: How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Well, the image quality is not so fine then
You can only grab pictures with print screen in youtubes and other basic players because they do not use the overlay function of the videocard.
In PowerDVD, Media Player Classic, VLC, and many other DVD/video playing programs you have a screen capture function which gives much better results.
12/09/2007 @ 14:39:25: Ddey65: How you can submit pictures (NEW)
I also use PowerDVD, but then just "Paste new image from clipboard" into a photo editor after the capture. Has worked well, since one needs to resize/ edit anyway. Hope it works for you.
I never saw that with this program. Now the 30-day trail has expired and I don't know the code I'm supposed to use. This sucks, like so many software programs!
14/10/2007 @ 01:58:25: Ddey65: How you can submit pictures (NEW)
I may've had some possible hope here; First, I'm still having problems playing my DVD's on Windows Media Player. It keeps telling me to check the codec, which I thought was already in tact. Second, I also have RealMedia, and I can play DVD's on that, but I get no sound. I can get sound from RealAudio files, and audio*wmp files, just not with video. That's not really good for full enjoyment of a movie, but still good enough to pause, push the "Print Screen/SysRq" button, and save to a *bmp file then convert it into a *jpg file. Therefore there could be a good chance you could see some of the movies I've wanted to add here after all, and by mid-November, I may even be able to load all the vehicles shown in "Up the Down Staircase"(1967), since I recently pre-ordered that from Amazon.com
So don't be surprised if you start seeing some images from me after all.
14/10/2007 @ 16:38:49: antp: How you can submit pictures (NEW)
You didn't try VLC or MPC?
14/10/2007 @ 16:58:51: Ddey65: How you can submit pictures (NEW)
You didn't try VLC or MPC?
Not yet, I admit. Still, as long as there's hope for uploading pics, I'm okay with it for now.
UPDATE: As of now, I've been trying to get clips of three of the vehicles I mentioned in the movie
Hot Pursuit:
I paused the images, and posted them in bitmap files....
and they're still moving!!
15/10/2007 @ 10:16:24: antp: How you can submit pictures (NEW)
Still moving, you mean that in the captures that you made you see the movie when you play it? It is because of the overlay: the video is not drawn by Windows but added by the video card later. So windows only has a black square marked as "video emplacement". So when you make a capture you only capture that emplacement and not the image from the video.
Anyway the printscreen/past thing is quite less easy than using the "capture image" function of VLC or MPC
15/10/2007 @ 13:40:35: Ddey65: How you can submit pictures (NEW)
I didn't use Windows for this. I used RealMedia. I couldn't play any DVDs on Windows. I'm still trying to find out whether I have VLC & MPC or not.
15/10/2007 @ 18:17:19: antp: How you can submit pictures (NEW)
When I mention Windows, I mean Windows, the whole operating system, on which all your program runs, not just the "Windows Media Player"
04/06/2008 @ 09:41:35: vilero: How you can submit pictures
One question to the moderators of "contributions". Till now I posted here some movie's pictures. Well, but what I must to do in case to find a better picture (higher quality) than the posted one in the main page of the movie. Must I recover the old post? Must I do a new one post? or it's enough send the new pictures to a moderator of contributions (by private or by mail?).
04/06/2008 @ 12:36:37: antp: How you can submit pictures
Submit them like when you submit new pictures, i.e. create a topic for the movie or send by e-mail.
08/06/2008 @ 03:39:49: taxiguy: How you can submit pictures
All right, these questions have probably already been asked, but I really do not want to read every single post to search for them. Now the questions may sound stupid to you, but don't blame me as I am sort of technology retarded.
Anyway, I wanted to know if the only way to capture pictures and load them on to the computer was if I played the DVD
in the computer, or could I just capture them on the DVD
player and transfer them to the computer somehow? And if so, how would I do this? Also, is there any possible way to capture pictures and transfer them to the computer if I am just watching a movie/show on TV (no DVD involved)?
And, I wanted to know if it was all right to watch a movie,
not capture pictures (because I don't know how or was unable to) and just contribute a list of cars used in the movie? Or is this just pointless and annoying? If not, I would like to do this if I was in such a situation where I was not able to capture pictures.
09/06/2008 @ 12:30:28: antp: How you can submit pictures
Capturing from a TV/VHS/DVD source using Scart/Composite input is possible, but the quality will usually be much lower than what you get by playing the DVD on the PC.
You need a video-in or tv-tuner card in your PC.
Listing cars in a movie without pictures is always useful, but only for cars with a role. Background cars without pics are not really worth listing except if the cars are rare/special.
09/06/2008 @ 20:09:40: taxiguy: How you can submit pictures
I see
19/06/2008 @ 18:09:17: Leoz: How you can submit pictures
And the same goes if a car is in a movie that is special for the time or year of it.
31/07/2008 @ 07:32:05: chicomarx: How you can submit pictures
Of course, if no PC will let me even play a DVD-R, let alone capture images from one, it'd be a wasted effort.
Could be because it's an unfinished DVD, check in the manual of your recorder on how to finalize it. Or try recording on a rewriteable. You should at least be able to copy the VOB files from your disc to your computer and take snapshots with GOM or VLC player.
31/07/2008 @ 14:41:58: Ddey65: How you can submit pictures
Could be because it's an unfinished DVD, check in the manual of your recorder on how to finalize it. Or try recording on a rewriteable. You should at least be able to copy the VOB files from your disc to your computer and take snapshots with GOM or VLC player.
I did. It didn't help. Existing DVD's, on the other hand, I don't have too much of a problem with, as long as I use VLC.
31/07/2008 @ 14:59:47: antp: How you can submit pictures
Even on rewritable I have to use the "finalize" function of the DVD recorder to make the discs readable on a PC.
14/08/2008 @ 19:34:31: atom: How you can submit pictures
Was there a way to remove black boarders in XnView?