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a strange petiton(related of the cars in some way)
Published 19/12/2006 @ 20:37:02, By landrover1
hello, i know this is the interet movie cars database, and i know is related to the movie database
well, i want to know how to contact samuel bayer(the music video director)because i wanna make a interview at least trough mail :grin:
im part of a biggest green day fansite and i think will be great if i can contact the last video director who works with the band.
if someone can help me, all the ways to help are welcome :smile:
obviusly will be better if the mail or way to contact sam bayer-and have a answer- is soon as someone can give me a mail or something
i tried on sites related to him but no one answer...
im a fan of his work, i really like all the videos he does :grin:
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