24/11/2006 @ 19:15:10: wickey: My new Volvo :)
24/11/2006 @ 21:32:20: antp: My new Volvo :)
Too bad that you couldn't keep the old one, to start a Volvo collection
24/11/2006 @ 22:08:01: wickey: My new Volvo :)
that will come when I will be rich and handsome one day

(or maybe not

) anyway some P1800, 262C, 780 etc. should be quite a collection
24/11/2006 @ 22:18:05: antp: My new Volvo :)
I'd like to have a very big garage to store few cars for a collection. But as this is not so easy, I only collect model cars
24/11/2006 @ 23:41:39: wickey: My new Volvo :)
yep - storage and insurance are the worst things
24/11/2006 @ 23:50:09: antp: My new Volvo :)
For "old" cars, insurance is not especially a problem as long as you are the only one to drive the car and that only one is used at a time... well, at least in Belgium.
25/11/2006 @ 03:41:31: firebird86: My new Volvo :)
Wickey, congrats on the new aquisition, I hope you get years of trouble-free enjoyment from it,as far as insurance, Ive got whats referred to as recreational car coverage on my Firebird. Im limited to 7500 miles a year, but its full coverage and replacement value is 12K "with approved appraisal" for about 500.00 a year w/Allstate. Im listed as the ONLY driver. Someday I hope to have a few more toys, but we gotta have goals

again, Good Luck with your Volvo. Mike
25/11/2006 @ 19:05:22: wickey: My new Volvo :)
well you guys have in your countries normal insurance system.. (unlike we in Slovakia..)
Anyway in our country is a system, that makes categories through size of the engine (example up to 1200 ccm, 1200-1600 ccm, 1600-2000 ccm etc.) or some have engine power in kW.. Anyway the system is all wrong as you will definitely pay more for this 2435 ccm 125 kW old Volvo worth 3000,- USD as for brand New BMW 318 or Mercedes C-Klasse 180 etc. which are worth like 10 times so..(as those have smaller engine or less power..) uffffffffff.
It will take long time to post-commi countries to become a bit normal..
25/11/2006 @ 19:58:28: antp: My new Volvo :)
In Belgium it is the same system, not only in Slovakia

The age of the car does not make the price much cheaper, though that the value of the car is lower. Same for big engine in old/heavy car.
Exception is when you have several old cars for which you are the only driver, as I mentionned.
25/11/2006 @ 20:01:47: wickey: My new Volvo :)
yay, we are not the only ones

anyway such system sucks badly - Best system will be, if it is calculated from the current value of the car...
25/11/2006 @ 20:37:09: antp: My new Volvo :)
Actually the value of the car is not the only factor. They must also count the damage that you can do, as they will have to pay for your errors

That's why sports car and cars for your people cost more in insurance. Where it is not logical, is that an old havy car is expensive because it has a big engine. But that engine is not sporty at all, as the car is heavy.
26/11/2006 @ 08:58:07: qwerty_86: My new Volvo :)
Congratulations on the new car! Nice that you got a US spec car with a standard. I wish I could find one of those in the US someday (since that'll be the only reason for me to buy a smaller car). I'm really liking the color. I used to have a toy Volvo 740 in that same color. What happened to the headlight wipers?
26/11/2006 @ 16:08:40: wickey: My new Volvo :)
lost somewhere (probably someone stole them from the previous owner - you know when poor car is standing somewhere on the street..) anyway I will try to replace them when I found some (used ones, as new are non-sence expensive)
28/11/2006 @ 01:53:14: Neptune: My new Volvo :)
Nice Volvo wickey, its’ very sporty looking. I love the color as well as the spoiler on the rear trunk lid. I like spoilers depending on how they look. My new Land Cruiser came equipped with a rear spoiler on the rear lift-gate, although it’s just for show and nothing else. I hope you’re new Volvo gives you years of trouble free service (or for however long you plan on keeping it) Just don’t do like me, and total you’re car five months after you’ve owned it, like I did with my Lexus SUV. Its’ not fun to regain consciousness and realize your upside down.
28/11/2006 @ 10:27:55: antp: My new Volvo :)
Me too. I'd like to have a dark green car. Unfortunately until now I only got two dark blue cars

(could not chose color: first one was only available in blue in the stock, second one was not now and so no color choice, as the model was not very common at that time)
28/11/2006 @ 12:18:35: wickey: My new Volvo :)
Its’ not fun to regain consciousness and realize your upside down.
thx + ouch

and the spoiler is one thing I really like on it

- these factory made spoilers are always the best.. (not in the style of Fast and Furious 8 )
28/11/2006 @ 12:20:07: wickey: My new Volvo :)
Me too. I'd like to have a dark green car. Unfortunately until now I only got two dark blue cars

(could not chose color: first one was only available in blue in the stock, second one was not now and so no color choice, as the model was not very common at that time)
well my favourite is always black, but you can not chose on the older car

- anyway I am glad, that it is not white
29/11/2006 @ 16:39:16: DAF555: My new Volvo :)
Nice car Wickey, I´m happy for you
29/11/2006 @ 17:38:15: wickey: My new Volvo :)
thank you
29/11/2006 @ 17:47:25: DAF555: My new Volvo :)
I like them, they´re good looking and they handle well on the road. A nice aquaintence. I drove a friends 850 -94 alot a few years ago, it had the boring 140 hp engine though.
Through work I´ve driven lot´s of Volvos from 240:s up to S80. My favourite was a 940 Turbo of -92
Here it is, with me sitting on it back in -98, so you don´t see much of it of course..