Old contributions (archive) » [done] Sir Mix-A-Lot - My Hooptie (music video)
[done] Sir Mix-A-Lot - My Hooptie (music video)
Published 10/12/2006 @ 22:41:07, By user-.html
1969 Buick Electra 225 4 dr. hardtop
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Latest Edition: 26/12/2006 @ 12:50:55
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Latest Edition: 26/12/2006 @ 12:50:55
Sir Mix-A-Lot - My Hooptie (music video)
Published 12/12/2006 @ 15:29:56, By user-.html
I'd say it's a 5 star rating since the music video is all about the car...
Sir Mix-A-Lot - My Hooptie (music video)
Published 12/12/2006 @ 19:00:44, By user-.html
Sir Mix-A-Lot - My Hooptie (music video)
Published 12/12/2006 @ 20:27:45, By antp
I'd say it's a 5 star rating since the music video is all about the car...
Well, the video is rather about the song. For music video we usually use 4 stars as they are short.
Sir Mix-A-Lot - My Hooptie (music video)
Published 13/12/2006 @ 00:58:28, By user-.html
Well, the video is rather about the song. For music video we usually use 4 stars as they are short.
And the song is all about the car!

How do we get an image from a file like this? Also, how do we get images from movies on a DVD? There must be a thread explaining how to do it but I didn't see it!
Not the most interesting video to watch for people that are not crazy about Buicks like I am!

Sir Mix-A-Lot - My Hooptie (music video)
Published 13/12/2006 @ 13:54:04, By antp
Hmmm then maybe 5 stars...

How do we get an image from a file like this? Also, how do we get images from movies on a DVD? There must be a thread explaining how to do it but I didn't see it!
Some video playing programmes (usually those for DVDs) allow to make a screen capture.
If your program does not allow it, you can try "Media Player Classic" or "VLC".
Sir Mix-A-Lot - My Hooptie (music video)
Published 18/12/2006 @ 08:31:05, By philr
I wasn't able to capture images from this clip, can somebody help me or do it for me? just click on this link for the video
Sir Mix-A-Lot - My Hooptie (music video)
Published 18/12/2006 @ 11:15:04, By antp
For Youtube video you have to press Print Screen key, then paste & cut the image in any image editing program.
Sir Mix-A-Lot - My Hooptie (music video)
Published 18/12/2006 @ 15:41:32, By philr