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[done] Herbie Fully Loaded a few cars left
Published 23/02/2007 @ 08:39:19, By Gliffhanger
The Other Charger

The Volvo PV 544 - One Star

And new:

here is the doge charger, you can choose because there is no better shot of the car.

In The Mirror behind Herbie:

Behind the chevy:

Right side:

Ford escort - One Star

Goodluck With it....

:crazy: Gliffhanger

Latest Edition: 28/03/2007 @ 09:49:11
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Dodge Charger NESCAR in Herbie Fully Loaded
Published 23/02/2007 @ 10:15:00, By antp
Note: it is not
If we list it, it should go to a new page.

Latest Edition: 23/02/2007 @ 10:15:33
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Dodge Charger NESCAR in Herbie Fully Loaded
Published 23/02/2007 @ 12:34:01, By Gliffhanger
But this is a Charger Rigt. well....i'm not at home so i can't add the other now, i'll do that later in this TOPIC
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Dodge Charger NESCAR in Herbie Fully Loaded
Published 04/03/2007 @ 18:33:22, By Gliffhanger
Well, i added the others to, so it can be add to the website!!
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