Unknown (Well i knew it, but i can't remember what kind of car this was - Four Stars
Audi 50 LS - One Star
Thanks Gliffhanger,
10/04/2007 @ 09:22:51: Jun: Andre Van Duin: File, Muziek Video, 1976
I tried to correct the ratio.
(change it to 1.33:1 then crop the black border on both side)
Is it looks correct?
10/04/2007 @ 10:08:34: antp: Andre Van Duin: File, Muziek Video, 1976
For 4:3 I usually resize to 640x480 or something between that and 664x500, as picture higher than 500 pixels are quite big on the screen (I think to people with old 800x600 monitors )
10/04/2007 @ 10:33:39: Jun: Andre Van Duin: File, Muziek Video, 1976