Misc » Interesting Volvo
Interesting Volvo
Published 13/06/2007 @ 01:26:00, By qwerty_86
I know it's a poor cell phone picture, but I don't always carry my digicam with me. I thought this car was kind of neat. It was in really good condition too, almost mint except for the cheezy hubcaps. On the back was a 242 badge. On the front, there was a badge I've never seen before. It had a lambda symbol on the grille followed by "Lambda" something (I can't remember). I'm assuming this is a rare car?

Interesting Volvo
Published 13/06/2007 @ 14:11:00, By wickey
Lambda Sond - it is a system that regulating the fuel injection via Lambda Sond placed on the exhaust (now common thing on every car, back then in 1976 arre thing - first used by Volvo I believe)
more here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_sond
Anyway nice early 242
Latest Edition: 13/06/2007 @ 14:11:35

more here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_sond
Anyway nice early 242
Latest Edition: 13/06/2007 @ 14:11:35
Interesting Volvo
Published 14/06/2007 @ 05:41:47, By qwerty_86
I think the owner might be the original owner. The license plate is a '71-'76 issue.