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Published 05/09/2007 @ 03:02:30, By Neptune
Not sure how to classify this video. But the thoughts that were running through my mind while watching it consisted of these (Hilarious, Bizarre, Silly and somewhat Stupid) "Ranger Roger" is freaking hilarious in this remake of the (Safety Dance) which was made for the Ford Expedition.

:lol: :crazy:

Latest Edition: 05/09/2007 @ 03:04:55
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Published 05/09/2007 @ 03:20:43, By MBSL65fan
I didn't like it. Kind of strange. :ohwell:

Latest Edition: 05/09/2007 @ 03:21:06
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Published 05/09/2007 @ 04:23:31, By Neptune
I thought it was strange too. I figured some of the other IMCDb members would get some laughs off of it. I thought it was quite funny in a stupid way. It doesn’t do the Expedition justice, that’s for sure. :roll:
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Published 05/09/2007 @ 17:52:45, By wickey
OMG that is like so bad :smile:
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Published 06/09/2007 @ 06:24:29, By qwerty_86
Lol, it's too funny! I bet it's a tongue-in-cheek thing.
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Published 06/09/2007 @ 13:29:38, By G-MANN
Really didn't find this funny, and I know funny when I see it, I only bothered watching the first 30 seconds of it. If it was actually meant to be funny it failed miserably. This was one of the worst things I've ever seen on Youtube.

Latest Edition: 29/10/2007 @ 21:56:28
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Published 06/09/2007 @ 16:56:56, By Neptune
Lol, it's too funny! I bet it's a tongue-in-cheek thing.

I busted out laughing when that Ranger Roger guy said his rhymes were stupid. :lol: I think it was a tongue-in-cheek type of humor also. None of the safety claims about the Expedition were spoken in a serious manner, nor did they rhyme. :ddr555:
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Published 10/09/2007 @ 04:36:04, By MBSL65fan
Here's another weird video. More pointless than funny. Its only highlight is the cool Infiniti J30 :sol:
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