Subject: What old car is this?
27/07/2007 @ 14:30:54: ahight: What old car is this?
When i'm not on this site, or at work...I'm working on archive website for my neighborhood. From one of the other historical groups I received permission to use this photo for our site. They knew who the guy was and I knew where the photo was I just need to know what kind of car that is.

The age of the photo is about 1912-1914 if that helps with what kind of car it was. My first thought was a Model T since I can't think of other old cars back then :smile:

27/07/2007 @ 17:18:14: Raul1983: What old car is this?
Model T Convertible Coupe. Years 1912-1914 are very possible.
27/07/2007 @ 17:30:41: ahight: What old car is this?
great..thanks! it can't be any newer than 1916 otherwise there would be 2 houses behind them (or atleast signs of construction)
29/10/2007 @ 03:52:32: ahight: What old car is this?
Just added another cool old car to my neighborhood collection. Luckily I met with the owner's son (little kid in photo) who told me it was a 1924 Dodge Touring Car.

I almost wish I could go back in those days to see these old cars.