Subject: Poll: Which wheels (rims) do you prefer?
29/07/2007 @ 02:10:04: Neptune: Poll: Which wheels (rims) do you prefer?
I prefer the Factory Stock wheels myself.
(Voted for F.S.)
29/07/2007 @ 02:30:52: MBSL65fan: Poll: Which wheels (rims) do you prefer?
Depends on the rims, so stock for now
29/07/2007 @ 12:51:35: wickey: Poll: Which wheels (rims) do you prefer?
definitely factory stock ones - as they should be then found only on same car models as you have. Not just some BBS' on every car from Fiesta to SL55...
29/07/2007 @ 15:12:43: antp: Poll: Which wheels (rims) do you prefer?
Usually I prefer factory ones. Mostly because when aftermarket weels are chosen they are bigger and with thin tires, which I do not like.
29/07/2007 @ 18:00:53: ahight: Poll: Which wheels (rims) do you prefer?
I like factory stock too. I've had 3 sets on my Passat. The original, the original to the '01+ and then upgraded to the 16" '01+ rims. I was tempted to try some Audi rims but then I'd have to find VW center stickers.

I've seen some nice aftermarket. I hate the big chrome look :smile: