30/07/2007 @ 02:37:36: MBSL65fan: Poll: Japanese Cars.
I'll have any Japanese car, but for now I'm voting Honda.
30/07/2007 @ 03:45:10: qwerty_86: Poll: Japanese Cars.
I don't like Japanese cars. I find their ergonomics all wrong and confusing.
30/07/2007 @ 09:46:50: antp: Poll: Japanese Cars.
I voted Honda as I like the Civic (the hatchback one that we get in Europe, which looks more futuristic than the sedan in US), but for smaller models I liked the Suzuki Swift.
30/07/2007 @ 09:56:18: MBSL65fan: Poll: Japanese Cars.
I like the Civic Si's that we have. If I am able to earn more money, I'll buy one.