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[n/a] Castle Keep
Published 13/10/2007 @ 05:48:58, By FockeWulf
Does anyone have information on German tanks used in 1969 movie "Castle Keep" which starred Burt Lancaster and Peter Falk. I saw it once many years ago, and I've read the novel by William Eastlake at least a couple of times. Sort of a "Catch 22" for the infantry. There are two key sequences involving German tanks in the novel, but I'm not sure both ended up in the film. At least one climactic battle did involve Panther tanks. I think they managed some sort of mock-up, probably on a T-34 hull and turret, a fairly common trick with Tigers, but hardly anyone does Panthers in movies. I personally think they are a sexier, you should pardon the expression, armored fighting vehicle. They may not have the punch and bulk of the Tiger, but they look lean, mean, and efficient. Any insights into this would be appreciated, and maybe someone has some pics to post on the general boards. Thanks!

Latest Edition: 23/10/2007 @ 11:58:34
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[n/a] Castle Keep
Published 14/11/2007 @ 07:35:29, By FockeWulf
All right, no one had any input here, but I came up with a link for the trailer of the this movie over on the old IMDb site. The link is:
Perhaps this will stir some interest in the film. But I have an answer to my own question in viewing this trailer. The tanks are post-war T34/85s, with muzzle brakes on their 85mm cannons. They are not even mocked up to resemble Tigers or Panthers as has been done in films such as THE NIGHT OF THE GENERALS and KELLY'S HEROES. But the film is a mythic parable anyway, so it works for the time being. If there is an enterprising soul who knows how to frame capture from a link like this, perhaps we can see the pictures posted in the regular section of IMCDb.
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[n/a] Castle Keep
Published 14/11/2007 @ 09:49:02, By antp
You can easily capture from google/youtube videos: you can simply press the Print Screen key, then paste the image in any image program, cut the interesting part, and save it.
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