Subject: old big car to identify
06/01/2008 @ 22:20:16: antp: old big car to identify
not from a movie, but I guess it could be easy to identify by some of the specialists that we have here :grin: Univers/voiture+papy+jeune.jpg

image source: 4047&p=1&sondage=0&owntopic=1&trash=0&trash_post=0&print=0&numreponse=0"e_on- ly=0&new=0&nojs=0#t13696362
07/01/2008 @ 00:08:34: Neptune: old big car to identify
OMG (!) It seats more than my Expedition ... :crazy: I need one of those!!! :grin:
07/01/2008 @ 00:26:24: 58_Roadmaster: old big car to identify
Try researching National Park buses from White or Pierce-Arrow. This could also be a vehicle similar in purpose to the hotel shuttles in use today.
07/01/2008 @ 04:10:39: Buc84: old big car to identify
As crazy as it sounds,I think it could be a Mercedes from the 1915-20 era? "Somewhere" put up with some other items I have a thing that you hang keys on the wall with,that has a near twin to this car on it,and it's a Mercedes,about a 1914-16? It(the keyholder)came from Germany in the '70s,a gift from a German family I knew.(Kept falling off the wall,so I put it up a few years back so it wouldn't get torn up..or tear up the floor!)
07/01/2008 @ 09:27:00: CrazyCars: old big car to identify
Did anyone else see that mustang sticker below....?
07/01/2008 @ 16:32:49: chris40: old big car to identify
:grin: Yeah ... makes you wonder if the guy has a V8 'Stang to compensate for ... er ... inadequacy in some other department ...
08/01/2008 @ 01:54:04: Alexander: old big car to identify
... I guess it could be easy to identify ...

It might no be that easy. From the shape of the vehicle and the story the sender of the picture wrote I am sure that it is of European origin. I would date it to early to mid 1920s.

The chances are good that it is of French origin. Looking at the shape of the radiator and the front wings it resembles most a Panhard-Levassor. A picture I have in a book of a coupé de ville on a 16 cv type X26 chassis looks rather similar (despite the body, of course).

I hope that helps to start further research.
09/01/2008 @ 10:35:03: greybear: old big car to identify
The English call this a charabanc from the French char-a-bancs. Of course, we mispronounce it as sharabang! Somewhere in my collection I have a photograph of my grandparents in a similar vehicle at a holiday resort in the UK
10/01/2008 @ 21:21:03: Leoz: old big car to identify
Yeah, back in those days they used them for taxis or private coaches! look how big that is! :smile:
11/01/2008 @ 11:19:35: greybear: old big car to identify
If you look closely the driver has a passenger on his right as well as two passengers on his left. Obviously this is where McClaren got the idea for a central driving position!
14/01/2008 @ 18:19:26: Leoz: old big car to identify
And because McLarens were/are too expensive to convert left to right possitions in other countries.