20/01/2008 @ 19:39:03: G-MANN: Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Just to make things clear, how many modes of transport would IMVDB list? Aircraft (planes and helicopters and maybe gliders), Trains, boats/ships, everything already listed on IMCDB (cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, tanks, golf carts, ground conveyors, construction vehicles). Anything else? Are you really serious about listing horse-drawn carts/carriages and chariots? Are you a fan of these things?
21/01/2008 @ 08:14:43: sixcyl: Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Personnally, as IMCDB , IGCDB does already exist, I would find much more logic to create separately:
IMADB (Aircraft meaning = all types of flying machines. Balloons (powered or not), gliders, airplanes, helicopters and space rockets, the case of weapons rockets is specific and I don't know if it should have its place ?)
IMTDB (Locomotives , anykind of them + wagons)
IMSDB or IMBDB (Ships or Boats)
21/01/2008 @ 15:30:07: G-MANN: Internet Movie Aircraft Database
That's what I think as well
21/01/2008 @ 15:36:19: G-MANN: Internet Movie Aircraft Database
About Aircraft, airships would be fine and I guess hot air baloons would be OK (don't know who actually makes them though), but I'm not totally sure about rockets because they are not reusable by nature. The Moon rockets (from films like Apollo 13)... maybe, but I don't know about missles. Missles aren't actually transport (yes, they transport bombs to targets, but not HUMAN transport). When in a film a fighter plane fires a missle, are we going to list that?
21/01/2008 @ 16:09:16: antp: Internet Movie Aircraft Database
That's rather for a site about weapons/arms, no?
21/01/2008 @ 16:20:47: G-MANN: Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Yes. Let's just keep it focused and stick to anything that actually flies and it is controllable and which a person can ride inside, planes (including rocket planes), helicopters, gliders, airships and autogyros/gyrocopters/microlights (there won't be too many of these in films). Hot air ballons I'm not sure about because the ballon part can be any kind of shape and underneath is just a basket with a hot air torch, how would we assign makes and types to these? And I don't think we should bother listing hanggliders, put them in comments. Maybe we could list them in comments.
And no Starship Enterprises or Millenium Falcons
21/01/2008 @ 17:43:50: CarChasesFanatic: Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Just a question, why are you all taking this so serious and deciding where to put each vehicles if noone seems to be willing to run such site?
18/02/2008 @ 14:51:43: 58_Roadmaster: Internet Movie Aircraft Database
I'd make a better lurker than a spotter, but it would still be a lot of fun!
18/02/2008 @ 15:33:55: G-MANN: Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Hopefully someone will come along and offer to create the site (IMADB).
12/07/2008 @ 16:02:33: Rinspeed: Internet Movie Aircraft Database
When could we see this site?
16/07/2009 @ 08:55:23: Kooshmeister: Internet Movie Aircraft Database
While I lack any experience building a site, I could happily assist in running such a site, updating it, etc.
01/08/2009 @ 11:40:56: Radoslav: Internet Movie Aircraft Database
I am quite new to this site, but I would like to see it expanded. I like the idea of IMVDB. I am learning PHP now, so don't expect me to create new website in few weeks, but I am seriously thinking about it. My brother is more experienced in this and I am sure he will be able to help me. But first of all, I would like to know, what would you like the new website to be like.
So far I see two ideas here. The first one is to create IMVDB, one database of all types of vehicles in movies. I have one more idea for a name of this type of website, but I will leave that for later.
The second idea is to create individual websites for planes, trains and boats (and maby something else).
So which idea do you like more? We can discuss positives and negatives of each of these ideas. I would like to see your opinions.
Most importantly, I have no knowledge about planes, trains and boats (I know more about cars, that's why I'm here), so I would like to know, if there are people here with enough knowledge to do the identification. Is there something else, that you would like to see included in the database? If yes, I would like to know why. I saw that somebody mentioned horse-drawn carriages. But do you know someone who can help with identification of these carriages?
And one more question for antp. Are you running this website on your own server?
01/08/2009 @ 12:01:39: antp: Internet Movie Aircraft Database
I think it is better to separate trains, planes and boats (not especially separate sites, but separate listings) as the kind of info provided for each will probably be quite different.
The site is hosted by the French company OVH, on the "mediaplan" subscription from their shared hosting solutions.
So the site is not on a dedicated server.
21/10/2009 @ 08:54:56: sixcyl: Internet Movie Aircraft Database
The idea of Internet Movie Aircraft Data Base is still alive, and I'm still expecting someone able to lead technical part of such a site. Radoslav are you ready for it?
27/01/2010 @ 23:02:31: sixcyl: Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Is that idea fading away? ...
14/05/2010 @ 05:18:17: RockRacer: Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Not sure if anyone ended up doing anything with this idea, but I started one up at:
http://impdb.org (The Internet Movie Plane Database).
It's very easy to register and add content. I think "aircraft" would have been better to use in the name, but for a reason I can't remember now, I didn't use it and I didn't see this site/forum/thread until after.
It's still in it's early stages since I just started it and especially since I don't have a lot of time, but I am continually adding content to it.
Anyway, check it out if you guys get a second. Drop me an email if you have any comments, or suggestions at
support@impdb.org Thanks!
BTW, love IMCDb.org!
14/05/2010 @ 08:35:00: Lateef: Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Nice! I think I might join up.
14/05/2010 @ 08:45:26: RockRacer: Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Nice! I think I might join up.
That would be awesome! Let me know if you have any questions.
14/05/2010 @ 10:35:42: antp: Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Nice, some members will probably want to contribute to that project
If you wish, I'll add a link at the top right corner of imcdb pages like I did for igcd. Do you have an image of approx the same size? (88x31, or at least not more in height)
14/05/2010 @ 17:37:43: ford_guy: Internet Movie Aircraft Database
Would it be possible to change "Plane" to "Aircraft" or is that too late now? Anyhow, for most of the movies I have added to IMCDb I have made captures of aircraft, so I can just send those over to your page later on