Subject: Know what I am on about?
14/01/2008 @ 18:25:26: Leoz: Know what I am on about?
OK, a few years ago I watched an American film set somewhere like Miami,Los Angeles or New Orlens etc. It might have been a spy movie or even a comedy movie, it was a few years ago and I only watched half of it. But there were two guys on a bayside street and in the backround was this 40's or 50's Hot Rod on high suspension like a custom dragster. It was grey or white and could have been an American car. Like I said, I forgot most and it was only in this one scene, but one of the guys said to the other some thing like this: "OK, what can I buy you? what would you like?" that. Crazy, but can anyone help me out? :clindoeil:
30/01/2008 @ 17:59:41: Leoz: Know what I am on about?
It was a hot rod. Looked like an Austin from the back.