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Muppet Movie
Published 22/10/2007 @ 08:28:16, By aussiemuscle308
what car does Fozzy drive in the original Muppet Movie?

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Muppet Movie
Published 22/10/2007 @ 11:07:12, By antp
What is the "original" movie? If it is the 1979 one it is that one I guess:
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Muppet Movie
Published 23/10/2007 @ 04:02:17, By aussiemuscle308
thanks. i did a search for muppet and it only came up with "muppets in space" and "muppets manhattan" movies.

Latest Edition: 23/10/2007 @ 04:06:14
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Muppet Movie
Published 23/10/2007 @ 04:25:42, By 58_Roadmaster
"Ah, a bear in is natural habitat--a Studebaker"-Fozzy Bear
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Muppet Movie
Published 23/10/2007 @ 17:22:07, By antp
I guess that you searched on "muppets" rather than "muppet" then
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Muppet Movie
Published 19/01/2008 @ 23:06:11, By john from Staffs
It's a Loewe designed Studebaker from the late 40s or early 50s. If the Muppets had been an English production Fozzy would have been driving a Jowett Javelin.
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