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[done] Ford D-Series in "The Young Ones" Episode 2.2
Published 04/03/2008 @ 18:15:01, By Ddey65
I finally got some screen caps of the Ford D-Series truck that miraculously crahsed through the front of the house in "The Young Ones" episode "Cash"(#2.2). I can post one image here, but I'll add the oters if you'd like.
File: file_20123_ok.jpg ( 24.9 KB - 544 )

Latest Edition: 07/03/2008 @ 20:41:57
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Ford D-Series in "The Young Ones" Episode 2.2
Published 04/03/2008 @ 18:24:19, By Ddey65
This doesn't have too many pixels, does it? Either way, Deacons for Defense and Max Keeble's Big Move are next.
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Ford D-Series in "The Young Ones" Episode 2.2
Published 07/03/2008 @ 19:09:13, By Wampa-One
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Ford D-Series in "The Young Ones" Episode 2.2
Published 07/03/2008 @ 20:36:41, By Ddey65
Good. I guess I deserve credit for this one.
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