Subject: North Carolina Police Dodge Charger's.
30/04/2008 @ 01:11:58: marioman3138: North Carolina Police Dodge Charger's.
This message is aimed at ahight, but also anyone else who lives/is in North Carolina at the moment. I am doding a project on Dodge Chargers and need some Pictures. If you could take/find some, it would be much appreciated. I would like a front shot, side, angle and rear, if at all possible. If you live in another US state and can get these, that would be great as well. Just post the pictures in these coments. I need them before the end of May.
Thanks in advance
30/04/2008 @ 03:34:01: ahight: North Carolina Police Dodge Charger's.
the only ones i have are these. i usually have my camera with me so if I see more I'll try to take better ones.

These were taken during our neighborhood picnic last summer and they showed off their attack dog.
30/04/2008 @ 08:20:20: marioman3138: North Carolina Police Dodge Charger's.
Cool. They will be good for my project. Thanks.
P.S. (does your deparment use V-6's or Hemi's?)
30/04/2008 @ 19:14:05: Wampa-One: North Carolina Police Dodge Charger's.
Your request got me thinking that something like that would already be out there on the internet. Had you already seen this site? rolina/

They seem to have some good pictures there.
30/04/2008 @ 21:33:10: taxiguy: North Carolina Police Dodge Charger's.
Charger police cars :puke:
But I'll try to get some Michigan State Police Charger pics for you anyway. :wink: That is, if I can find any. They don't have too many of them, I guess I'm not the only one that doesn't like them :grin:
01/05/2008 @ 08:13:06: marioman3138: North Carolina Police Dodge Charger's.
thanks Wampa-One and thanks taxiguy, and no i hadn't seen those sit
03/05/2008 @ 01:28:12: Neptune: North Carolina Police Dodge Charger's.
There is a little town south of Wilmington, NC that has a newer 2005’ish Ford Mustang GT. I saw it briefly on my way through.
03/05/2008 @ 09:26:33: marioman3138: North Carolina Police Dodge Charger's.
Cool, A Mustang cop car, Mustangs are awsome