I was looking through the list of Pontiac vehicle model names (
http://www.imcdb.org/vehicles_make-Pontiac.html ) when I noticed a bunch of mistakes. Instaed of writing a comment for every mistake, I tought I should just list them here, and when an admin. such as antp had some extra time he could fix them. Among the errors for Pontiac there are these:
1. There are 3 different spellings for "Parisienne" with P-A-R-I-S-I-E-N-N-E being the correct one.
2. There is a "Grand Am GT" listed as a seperate model, while the "GT" should just be part of the trim level and not show up in the model name
3. There are 2 different spellings of Bonneville, with B-O-N-N-E-V-I-L-L-E with two "L"'s being the correct one
4. Some wagons are listed as "Safari Wagon" some are simply "Safari" some are "Wagon" some are "Station Wagon" and some are "Grand Safari". If I am not mistaken, all Pontiac station wagons should be listed as simply "Safari" or "Grand Safari", as Pontiac called all of their station wagons one of these two names
5. There is a "Starchief" and a "Star Chief" with "Star Chief" being the correct one
6. There is a "J-2000" and a "J2000" with "J2000" being the correct one
I am sure there are many more mistakes like this for other makes, but this is all I could find for now. I may look for more mistakes in the future and I will list them here as I find them.