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[done] Johnny Dark, 1954
Published 22/05/2008 @ 11:44:53, By vilero

I'm a lucky man. Looking for this movie I only found a very bad video...but, later, I found a link from the Woodill Wildfire page and I went to a page of glassfibre cars and....surprise I found a lot of pictures of this movie. Well, here are as the principals to be posted in main page.

Woodill Wildfire Idaho Special (actor Toni Curtis driver

Victress S-1

Kurtis M-500

Jaguar XK-120

Grantham Stardust

Glasspar G-2


Ferrari 250 MM Vignale
In my search I found only the name of "Ferrari Pan-Am".

GMC-Tatum Special

As you can see thumbnails are littles images, but bigs in its sizes of Kb.

Latest Edition: 27/05/2008 @ 15:27:34
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Johnny Dark, 1954
Published 27/05/2008 @ 15:27:20, By garco

2 missing entries. Delete them? I suppose you have seen the whole movie?
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[done] Johnny Dark, 1954
Published 28/05/2008 @ 19:35:46, By vilero
2 missing entries. Delete them? I suppose you have seen the whole movie?

Well I saw the movie when a was a child, but no recently.
Anyhow I got the pictures from a fiberglass sports cars page and there says what cars are. But I was mistaken in one. Where I say GMC-Tatum Special, exactly is unknown like you say in main page of the movie.

GMC Tatum Special is this picture that I forgot. Please put it in its correct site
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[done] Johnny Dark, 1954
Published 28/05/2008 @ 20:26:11, By garco
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[done] Johnny Dark, 1954
Published 29/05/2008 @ 08:12:49, By Raul1983
I think we should name '' as a contributor. The captures are made by someone else not by any of us. I contacted the webmaster of that website a year ago and asked permission to copy those pictures to IMCDb. I never received an answer so I didn't do anything. It is polite to atleast use the website name as a contributor. I have done it in several cases eg. Edsel Club, Imperial Club etc.
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