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Can someone identify...
Published 05/06/2008 @ 03:36:25, By 93_Montero
This is a picture of the station wagon that my mother rented when we visited my sister in Norway. I just can't remember what it was...

Probably me favorite place was Balestrand, I recall how frighteningly narrow the roads were but it was amazing riding ferries across the fjords, being able to get out and marvel at the surroundings.

Just for fun here's another picture after hiking up from Balestrand below.

And we hiked up a glacier! I also ate Norwegian reindeer which was awesome.

Latest Edition: 05/06/2008 @ 03:52:18
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Can someone identify...
Published 05/06/2008 @ 06:45:56, By atom
Renault Laguna I (Kombi in Norway?)
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