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[done] Ford Model TT in The Untouchables (1987)
Published 15/07/2008 @ 20:39:20, By Kooshmeister
Noticed that while most of the trucks on the bridge are Ford Model AA's, at least one is actually (I think) a Model TT. 1 star.

It's difficult to spot, and this is the best shot of it I could get of it that's actually in the movie itself. However there's a better look at it in the supplementary material on the DVD, which at least proves it's there:

Latest Edition: 07/08/2008 @ 04:07:33
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Ford Model TT in The Untouchables (1987)
Published 05/08/2008 @ 17:40:42, By Wampa-One
Would it be preferable to use the supplementary image which is more visible and label the role as "deleted scene", or to use the (maybe too background) one seen in the movie?
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Ford Model TT in The Untouchables (1987)
Published 06/08/2008 @ 16:48:04, By antp
I'd say use the "delete scenes" one, as the vehicle is just background it does not matter much if its role is mentioned or not in the list: a comment will be enough.
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Ford Model TT in The Untouchables (1987)
Published 07/08/2008 @ 04:07:16, By Wampa-One
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