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Transformer crazy
Published 31/07/2008 @ 03:09:41, By bbyyll
I bought a quote unquote transformers autobot 3D emblem to put on my riding lawn mower and it looks great. My neighbors are all jealous. I actually bought two at the same time and stuck one on a city bus that was broken down just down the street from my house. I bought them at I should not have put the autobot transformers emblem on the bus but put the decepticons emblem on it because public transpertation are the bad guys around here :smile:
I am thinking about buying some more in a wholesale lot from the LDU guys and stickin some more of them out there cause I'm crazy like that. The page for the transformers stuff is I am thinking about starting an online collection of photos of these emblems on vehicles. If anyone has any pictures please let me know.
:bombe: :topicalacon:
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Transformer crazy
Published 31/07/2008 @ 04:09:15, By BlackIce_GTS
There used to be a black Dodge Aries around here with a huge Decepticon logo filling up the back window. I guess most people would think that's cheesy, but I really like K cars.
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