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[done] Bloodfist VIII: Hard Way Out (1996)
Published 12/09/2008 @ 23:21:18, By ecclefechan

? - Two stars
? - Two stars
196? Ford Mustang - Two stars
? - One star
Mercedes-Benz W123 - Two stars
1992 Opel Vectra - One star
198? Ford Sierra - Four stars
1982 Vauxhall Cavalier - Four stars (Note: Despite being in Ireland, it's clearly badged as a Vauxhall rather than an Opel)
1990 MAN ? - One star
1987 Toyota Camry - Two stars
1987 Toyota Corolla - Two stars
1991 Nissan Sunny - Two stars

Latest Edition: 18/09/2008 @ 20:29:56
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Bloodfist VIII: Hard Way Out (1996)
Published 12/09/2008 @ 23:43:17, By Gag Halfrunt
AKA "Bloodfist VIII: Trained to Kill".
IMDB entry.
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Bloodfist VIII: Hard Way Out (1996)
Published 13/09/2008 @ 02:18:31, By taxiguy
First car = 1981 Dodge Aries

Second car = 1988 Ford Tempo

Third Car = circa 1965 Ford Mustang

Latest Edition: 13/09/2008 @ 02:19:14
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Bloodfist VIII: Hard Way Out (1996)
Published 13/09/2008 @ 04:11:40, By BlackIce_GTS
-How can you tell it's not a Reliant? I thought the only difference was the badges.
-Don't all '65s have this crossbar in the grill?
I'm just browsing the database, but it looks like '66s have just the pony (like the green one) and '67s have a single horizontal bar.

Latest Edition: 13/09/2008 @ 04:12:12
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Bloodfist VIII: Hard Way Out (1996)
Published 18/09/2008 @ 20:28:49, By garco
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